Completed The 2021 Outdoor Auto/Photo Competition!

entry, Only1Sky, 4-20
Oops, hope I'm not "jumping the gun," but it is 4-20 after all. So, in my excitement I ran to my seed locker and grabbed some lovely photoperiod seeds, and into the drink they went.
Does a greenhouse count as outside? If so I'm in with Auto Fat Blueberry from Linda seeds.
Don't have a picture yet as I wasn't planning on doing a solo thread on it, rather post an occasional picture on @pop22's $1.50 Seed Grow! Are cheap seeds worthwhile? thread.
Yes, that counts as outdoors. And you may post in my thread if you wish. Will be nice to compare other grows! in fact, why not post in both? get more exposure!

Does a greenhouse count as outside? If so I'm in with Auto Fat Blueberry from Linda seeds.
Don't have a picture yet as I wasn't planning on doing a solo thread on it, rather post an occasional picture on @pop22's $1.50 Seed Grow! Are cheap seeds worthwhile? thread.
I'll be running some autos too, in fact hoping to get a grow in before I start the Mazar. I'll start her in a pot near the end of May and transplant the beginning of July. I''ll be running 8 Linda NL autos 2 Linda Fat Blueberry, and maybe a Twenty20 Trizzler.
Btw, we must have been drunk when i agreed to run this comp :shrug:cause i don't remember when i gave my yes to it!:crying:

Anyways that will be fun for sure!:d5:
:muahaha: I always wait for the weak moment! :dizzy: :haha: .... actually I meant to remove that, but there you are! No biggie Mongol, it's not really needed, but it'd be nice to have some back-up just in case,...
All we did last year was have folks with official updates @-tag me, and I made a threadmark on that post with this info: entry/update/final choice/harvest, name, date.... that's it!
Hey now. I've never done an outdoor grow, but was thinking of it this year. So count me in. Should be amusing for this OD Newbee to see how long I can keep them alive. :biggrin:
:pighug: hey mate! Glad to see you toss your hat in for this,... this Comp, it's a gas, and with some luck you'll not be part of the spills and chills, just thrills- :rofl: ........ :hothot:oh snap, and the first one in, verily! :d5:

Does a greenhouse count as outside? If so I'm in with Auto Fat Blueberry from Linda seeds.
Don't have a picture yet as I wasn't planning on doing a solo thread on it, rather post an occasional picture on @pop22's $1.50 Seed Grow! Are cheap seeds worthwhile? thread.
Yes, that counts as outdoors. And you may post in my thread if you wish. Will be nice to compare other grows! in fact, why not post in both? get more exposure!

That's been a bone of contention in the past, but it ended up sliding on that,... IMO a GH is not truly outside, you're not in full exposure to the elements with little to no control of things, which is part of the challenge and the basis of how this Comp was conceptualized years ago... But in the end it was allowed because of a past oversight (our bad), and so a precedent has been set... So, belly up if you want to! :jointman:
Yes, that counts as outdoors. And you may post in my thread if you wish. Will be nice to compare other grows! in fact, why not post in both? get more exposure!
Then I'm in :woohoo1: :woohoo: