Testing the Wild Thing (USA Only)

  • Howdy Y’all :toke:

    First sign of life from both. I’ll leave the domes on until tomorrow and recheck since the one on the left still needs to get her legs under her.

    Soil will be BAS 3.0 using my leftover ProMix, Happy Frog soil and had an unopened bag of ocean Forest I filled the tub with. Added in 8qts perlite and 32oz BAS 3.0. Once everything was mixed and sifted well I filled two 5gal Grobucket systems.

    2/27/24 9:04pm Seeds soaked for 24hrs, they both sank and then into Solo Cups with domes on 2/28/24 9:04pm.
    Week 1
  • Howdy Y’all :toke:

    Week 1 update, Day #7 on the Wild Thing girls. They’ve been slowly coming along. Started out stretching pretty good so I put them in the two grobuckets I had prepared. They are closer the the light and I bumped it up to 45%. Temperature running around 76f and humidity has been pretty steady at 65%. I’ve been watering lightly around the solo cups. They are on an 18/6 schedule under a Marshydro FC-E3000 that’s been “modified” to fit in a 2’ space.
    Week 2
  • Howdy Y’all :toke:
    Day #14 update to my Wild Thing babies.

    They have been coming along slowly , I added numbers to each so I could better track the two. The smaller one is #1, the larger one gets a #2 .

    From the looks of some of y’all’s mine are slow learners this round :smokeit:
    Friday I decided to give them a little food and mixed up
    3ml Big Bloom and gave them each 30ml from a syringe
    EC .5
    PH 6.5
    PPM 260.
    I sprinkled 1/8tsp Great White into each prepared hole and then watered in around the outside of soil surface.
    Temp 76f RH 64%


    Hopefully we will see some explosive growth this upcoming week.
    Week 3
  • Howdy y’all :toke:
    It’s Day #22 for my Wild Thing babies. We are still chugging along. #1 is starting to show some life and #2 is slowly starting to stretch some. After reading JeanO’s post above mine, I wonder if I should have went to a 1gal or 3gal container before going into this 5gal grobucket system . Maybe I’m just worrying too much. I was afraid they weren’t green enough either, first time I’m trying that 3.0 build your own stuff, so I’m worrying about everything :crying:

    Here’s a few photos from this last week Sunday I filled the bottom reservoir, so that was officially the first bottom water. I’m going to lay in some straw tomorrow.
    Photos are from Friday, Sunday and today.

    Catch y’all next week :bighug:
    Earley update
  • The Wild Things are literally going wild. I repotted them into 5-gallon buckets and have given them a dose of roots organics Elemental and the other white stuff on the top is diatomaceous earth.
    I was short on soil and bought the last roots organics Lush potting soil and mixed one bucket 50/50 and one bucket straight Lush that is a little hotter than the original roots potting soil that I used in the other 3.
    Anywho Wild Thing heads will roll as soon as they recover from the transplant :thumbsup: Happy Farming :thumbsup:


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    Week 4
  • Howdy y’all :toke: It’s week 4 day # 31 if my math is still “Mathing”
    Made some great progress this week bringing the green back into my Wild Thing girls.
    Started off with a Top coat of worm castings to both about 1/2” thick. Added my usual straw mulch to the soil surface and thoroughly watered both in from the top of the soil. I did this slowly so I could watch the reservoir float indicator rise to full. I almost immediately started seeing results the next day. I’ve been letting them go 2 days after the indicator is showing empty before hitting them again with water.

    Tonight I mixed up a couple gallons of water with:
    30ml Big Bloom
    30ml Grow Big
    1/4 tsp Quillaja
    PH 6.7
    PPM 750
    EC 1.5
    I also topped both, at the 6th node of #2 and the 5th node of #1
    Tent temps are running around 75-77 , RH 60-63%. Still on 18/6 light schedule.

    In the original post Jean-O mentioned “roughly a 30-45 day veg cycle” so I wanted to get the topping done and see where we are in another week or so.
    Here’s a few photos since my week 3 update, as you can see they are much greener now, especially #2 and hopefully that is all behind us now.


    Hope everyone is having a great week , catch y’all next week :thumbsup:
    Week 5
  • Howdy Y’all :toke:

    It’s week #5 , Day #38 for my Wild Things. They’ve been doing pretty good since the topping. Getting some nice new growth. I ended up getting a new light meter as a gift and was able to really check the canopy of all the plants to see where I was at.


    Has anyone ever used this meter ? Previously I was using a $29 Lux meter, but since this was gift I was very happy to have it. Hopefully it’s fairly accurate.
    I’m going to try and upload photos I took this last week, but they may end up as thumbnails. I think my photo settings are too detailed and having issues every time I try to upload pictures lately.
    I’m shooting for a day #41/42 to flip to flower. That way it’ll be Saturday or Sunday and I can reprogram my light controller and clean the tent & everything up again. I don’t think I want to go very much longer.
    I’ll catch y’all next week