Howdy Y’all
It’s week #5 , Day #38 for my Wild Things. They’ve been doing pretty good since the topping. Getting some nice new growth. I ended up getting a new light meter as a gift and was able to really check the canopy of all the plants to see where I was at.
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Has anyone ever used this meter ? Previously I was using a $29 Lux meter, but since this was gift I was very happy to have it. Hopefully it’s fairly accurate.
I’m going to try and upload photos I took this last week, but they may end up as thumbnails. I think my photo settings are too detailed and having issues every time I try to upload pictures lately.
View attachment 1676620View attachment 1676621View attachment 1676622View attachment 1676623View attachment 1676624View attachment 1676625 I’m shooting for a day #41/42 to flip to flower. That way it’ll be Saturday or Sunday and I can reprogram my light controller and clean the tent & everything up again. I don’t think I want to go very much longer.
I’ll catch y’all next week