Testing the Wild Thing (USA Only)

Week 6
  • Howdy y’all :toke:
    It’s week 6 day #47, for these Wild Thing girls. I’m cutting it close this week with the update but here goes.
    Things got crazy busy this week with the beautiful weather and we were able to get lots of outside projects done. I did grab a few photos through the week and things are progressing nicely in the tent.
    I ended up flipping to flower on Thursday night Day #39. They are both stretching very fast, I’ve had to adjust the lights and the pole fans a couple times already.
    Week 7
  • Howdy y’all :toke:
    It’s week 7 day #50 of my math is right. I wanted to make sure I got my weekly update in earlier since the weather is so nice and we have been working outside more to prepare the vegetables, fruits, raised beds and greenhouse for the year.

    This one might be a little long :biggrin:

    I ran into a problem Sunday morning when I opened the tents, I found Wild Thing #1 (littler one on the right side) was laying over, almost on its side, leaning against #2.
    The stalk is very skinny and it doesn’t appear to have much root structure. Which makes me think it needs silica.
    Of course this one has been lagging behind the entire grow and I decided to try and figure out what is going on. First thing I did was recenter my light on the tent and moved both plants to get the optimum footprint from the light. I put a 4’ bamboo stake on the pot and tied #1 up to it. I measured intensity 615-705 for #1 and 750-912 for #2. Light is approx 10”from #2 and 18” from #1 measured at canopy. Light set at 75%
    Once I got it straightened out I noticed that the float indicator on the #1 grobucket was showing 2-3 leaves (5is like max full) while #2 was empty. My last watering/feed for both was last Wednesday 4/16. At that time I mixed up 2gal and gave 1gal to each plant to hold me over till Sunday. When I was done with that #2 was floating at 3leaves and #1 was at 4.
    Specs of that feed/water were
    PH set to 6.3 (was 8.4)
    PPM 480
    EC 1.0

    So basically between Wednesday and Sunday #2 used everything up but #1 barely used 1 leaf amount. Here’s a photo from Wednesday after the feed/water

    I decided to empty #1 reservoir and start taking measurements of the contents.
    Pulled float stick to access the reservoir through the fill pipe.

    Used my battery powered RV pump to suck the reservoir dry and measure contents. The fluid did not have a smell , so I’m ruling out any sort of rot issue, water was clean with a slight yellow tint , right at 2” in a 2gal bucket.






    So it appears that I have too much nutrients ? I went from 1.0-3.6 EC, pH 6.3-6.5 and PPM 480-1800 in just about 4 days time. I’m pretty sure I watered on Wednesday from the top because I had too dressed previously with worm castings. So do I just have too many nutrients building up and it’s not uptaking anything ? The extra EC & PPM come from watering from the top and flushing more into the reservoir ?

    here’s here’s a photo after I drained it took a few bigger leaves off

    One from today

    I thought about letting them dry out until both pots are light to pick up and then water with just PH water and some silica (Humboldts Tree Trunk ).
    Thought I’d post all this to see
    If I’m on the right track here ? Only concern has been the lighter leaf color on the #1 mostly (was originally thinking needed more nitrogen and that’s what caused the top dress and top water recently) and then the thin stalk and laying over from #1
    Oh well that’s my big update for week 7 lol. I’m glad I’m keeping track of everything, #2 is a beautiful plant and it’s even showing rigorous growth since I pulled some leaves yesterday. #2 is going to be thirsty long before #1 is , I suspect. Let me know your thoughts if you have any. Thanks
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    Week 8
  • Howdy y’all :toke:
    It’s week 8, day #60 for my Wild Thing girls.

    The dry back period seemed to work well and #1 is definitely up taking water/nutrients again. It’s still a little slower than #2, but I can see the reservoir indicator moving so that’s some progress. I let them dry out until Saturday, surprisingly there were no signs of them being thirsty other than an empty reservoir. I watered from the bottom both times since the dry back.
    It took from Saturday until yesterday for the #1 problem child to show empty reservoir again. I added a dose of Tree Trunk to both Saturday’s feed and Wednesday’s water.
    Saturday specs were 1.1 EC, PH 6.7 PPM 530.

    Other than the slower growth of #1 things are going nicely. I added so slaps to the tent. Outside gardening is full blast right now and there’s tons of “projects” going on since the weather is being so nice. It’s almost got me wanting to try an outside cannabis grow,

    Here’s some photos I grabbed throughout the week


    Just one of the outside projects growing on.

    Catch y’all next week
    Week 9
  • Howdy y’all :toke: It’s week 9 day day #65 and if my math is “mathin” it’s day #26 of flower

    I can’t say enough good things about Wild Thing #2, it’s been a strong plant from the start. Not even a hint of tip burn or anything with it. It’s been a easy plant to grow. On the flip side #1 has been a problem child from the start. Everything is identical, so not sure what’s going on.

    I intentionally raised the PH this last feed as lowering it on the previous one seemed to make #1 look worse. I actually think it looks better this morning so I may be on to something.
    PH 6.8
    PPM 1170
    EC 2.4

    Just using the FF trio but added in tree trunk to hopefully thicken her up some . Hopefully next week things will be improving more.

    I’m considering taking number 1 out behind the woodshed :crying:

    I’ve thought about just running about 10 gallons of rainwater through it and letting it dry out and starting fresh if it’s not looking much better next week.

    Been lots of projects going on still but I was able to grab some photos throughout the week to share. Any one good at identifying snakes ? 🐍

    Mixed up 4cf of cheap soil, 2cf of peat moss, 4gal of perlite, 2gal of worm castings.

    Second bed built out of cedar planks and installed. I decided to use PT 2x4’s for the legs and I lined it with panda film with lots of holes for drainage. I want one more 2x4 bed and possibly a 2x2 and then I’ll fence everything in to keep the dogs out and add a couple large trellises.

    I thought this one was a corn snake , I’m not 100% sure but I relocated it outside my fenced in dog area. Wasn’t aggressive at all. I almost stepped on it and it caught me off guard. Since I didn’t think it was venomous I moved it along.

    My wife got this idea to plant strawberries in rain gutters, so we are adding rain gutters full of strawberries to all our deck handrailing and anything else we can lol. Thanks to SaltyAcresNC on IG for the guidance with those. Whole family loves berries.

    We started 2 Concord grape vines (one is showing leaves behind the blue watering can already) , a raspberry bush and when it’s all done will probably have around 95 strawberry plants some ever bearing and some June bearing

    I hope everyone is having a great week , it’s been absolutely pouring down rain for a few days now and the rest of this week it’s more of the same. Humidity has been crazy high, so that’s been an issue too. I’ll Catch y’all next week.
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    Week 10
  • Howdy y’all :toke:

    It’s Week 10, Day #73. Tomorrow should be the beginning of week 5 of flower.

    My Wild Thing grow took a hit this week and after talking to Jean-O yesterday I decided to cull #1. It just never would get its legs under it. After pulling it and looking at the rootball it was pretty small for the plant. As far as depth they didn’t appear to go any deeper than the original planting depth of the solo cup. Did appear to stretch out some to the side. Soil smelled good and so did the reservoir.

    #2 on the other hand is the polar opposite. It continued to grow and flourish. Starting to fill the bud sites and hopefully it will be half as beautiful as some of the others that are being posted. I’m really happy with it and excited to see how it will turn out. Seems the reservoir is empty every 24 hours with it. The last feed specs were:
    PH 6.3
    PPM 650
    EC 1.3
    I think there will be plenty of time for her to fill up and get heavy. She’s already starting to smell really good !

    Here’s some photos from this last week and the final photos of #1 culled plant. Also found the culprit digging the soil out of one of my Whiskey Barrel Planters :crying:
    Hope everyone had a great week !
    Catch y’all next week !

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    Week 11
  • Howdy Y’all :toke:
    It’s week 11, Day #41 of flower for my Wild Thing. Not a lot to report really, this plant has been very easy to grow. I’m giving it a drink almost every other day now, kinda got a rhythm going now where I’ll feed nutrients on Saturday, on Monday I’ll add molasses to the water and on Wednesday I’ll give PH’d rainwater only. It’s starting to fill in nicely and I’ve really only pulled a handful of leaves off of it in the center.

    Here’s some photos from the last week and an update on the raised garden getaway in the back yard. 1 more small planter to go, get a gate built and finish the trellises. I’m wanting to run some sort of trellis system overhead too.


    I’ll catch y’all next week
    Week 12
  • Howdy Y’all :toke:
    It’s day 86, week 12 and Day 47 of flower.
    I must have pissed off Murphy or something cause it’s been a bad couple weeks for me in the grow room. I’m almost to the point of giving up on any more photoperiod grows. I wanna apologize in advance to Jean-O !

    The last few weeks we have had lots of rain and storms and I gathered up around 95 gallons of rainwater. Thursday last week I used my newly collected rainwater to water my remaining Wild Thing. Set the PH to 6.6 everything was looking amazing. I didn’t add anything other than PH down. I noticed the plant had started looking a little droopy. I didn’t think much of it closed the tent back up and when I rechecked Sunday it was almost a disaster. The tent was 96f and the grow room wasn’t much cooler. :confused1:
    I have no idea how it got so hot, I have a 6” ACI system exhausting this small 2x4 tent and it appears to be operating properly when I check it and change things on the app. My house AC is set to 73 annd of course the room is cooled with the rest of the house. I immediately went and bought a window AC unit, installed it in the grow room and just left the tents open and blacked out the windows. I don’t think the heat is entirely the problem but here’s some of the things I have done.

    I immediately drained the reservoir, it smelled bad ! I used 2 gallons of PH’d rainwater to flush the plant from the top and captured the runoff and discarded it .

    Yesterday I spent about 4 hours I the room moving things around and setting up oscillating fans around the room to move the cooler air from the new AC more evenly. The room is now a steady 72f. I made sure that the room is blacked out so I could leave tents open. This is how I normally growAutos and was afraid to do this with the photos.
    I trimmed up a large majority of the leaves here’s a picture of what that looked like.

    It still doesn’t look much better today and as soon as I get home tonight I’m thinking of pulling it out of the soil, completely rinsing the roots and looking to see if they look rotted or anything. I’ve actually thought about repotting it in new soil in a grow bag. Not sure if that’s even a good thing since it’s flowering but I know you can do a lot more with photoperiod plants than you can with autos. I really don’t wanna lose this plant so I’m 100% open to suggestions, but it’s not looking good and whatever it was it was fast. I noticed I never installed a micro SD in my security camera so I can’t go back through footage and try to pinpoint the issue.
    I have since fixed that.
    Here’s what it looked like before the problems started









    I’m sinking fast :help:and hope y’all have some clues or ideas.
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    Start of flower
  • Missed it by a day but they are now on 12/12 cycle. Now we shall see some magic happen. The MH FC-E 4800 is at 100% at top of tent. Ph 6.2 nute solution Megacrop 3.5 gpg. Temps were at about 72f and we’ll see what it reads with lights off. Gonna have to supercrop the lone tall branch and tie off as the net doesn’t allow it to be under.

    In about 3 wks they’ll get a final defol/leaf strip and then it’ll be straight on til harvest!
    Week 13 , end of grow. Did not finish
  • Total bummer bud. I honestly don't think she can come back from whatever occurred here so if u want to pull it I'm not going to be upset by it. IMO Something is up with the Root zone whatever issue there was with the watering was definitely multiplied by the high temps and transpiration. It sounds like the perfect storm for disaster. How are you going about collecting the rain water? Possibly contaminated water, acidic rain from city pollution or something from the roofing on your house?
    So sorry you had that happen. You can probably salvage a little something by making bubble hash.
    You might be able to limp her through to the end also but don't use up your grow space if you don't want to, like I said I'm not going to be upset if u want to pull it.
    Yeah it had to be something from that rainwater. It was really the first couple barrels of the year. Maybe something on my metal roof. One of the barrels was just recently dropped off by my nephew, wife wanted to make a burn barrel and since it was absolutely pouring rain I pushed it under the runoff from the gutters. Won’t make that mistake again. I usually just collect it from my greenhouse roof I guess I’m out of this round. I apologize again because I was really excited on how the one plant was doing for me. Didn’t mean to let you down. I’ll try and get one outside or in the greenhouse this week. Thanks brother.
    Harvest of left girl
  • Alright, late update! Day 148/63 in flower. I did end up harvesting the girl on the left just after they woke up. So, I am surprised… at the amount off her! I believe that this girl is the largest single plant yielder I’ve grown indoors since joining AFN! 3 9x13” cake pan lid/bottoms FULL of dense hard nugs! The aroma… let me tell you! I got a kitchen sink of different smells. Starting out I was getting a funky berry/lemon. The lemon carries. Then as I’m trimming I was getting a “skunk cabbage” smell. Not unpleasant mixed with the rest of the scents. Bucked off all buds and ran them thru the bowl trimmer and they are in the hanging net thingy.

    Before harvest… and

    The last two pics are after the bowl trimmer. That is a large turkey/baked ziti pan almos 4 inches deep and filled level with the top(almost). I cannot wait til it’s dried and cured! One of my best grows yet! I’ll wait on the other girl til next weekend or so. I’ve seen a couple nanners and wouldn’t mind a couple S1 fem seeds of this!