Testing - Simple noncirculating hydroponic method

glad it worked for you bro.I've been gathering materials up so I can build some myself...do you like the 5gal. ones you made..or the ones where you cut the 55gal. drum in two better...I'm kinda leaning towards the 55gal. drum ones....max rep for the success my man!..:five:
glad it worked for you bro.I've been gathering materials up so I can build some myself...do you like the 5gal. ones you made..or the ones where you cut the 55gal. drum in two better...I'm kinda leaning towards the 55gal. drum ones....max rep for the success my man!..:five:

I like the 5 gallon non-circulating hydro method for short season crops around 70 days.
For my next experiment, I plan on building a couple out of 10-14 gallon rubber maid tubs, for longer season and bigger plant crops.

The 55-barrels are an industrial size earth box or global bucket. It is based on wicking principles. They work great. I have yet find anything, that I can not grow in them. They do conserve water vs. a regular pot, but you still have to water them.