Testing - Simple noncirculating hydroponic method

Great idea and nicely detailed posts for us to copy mate,thanks for sharing :thread: :smokebuds:
I salvaged all the materials for free. Did not cost me a penny.
There are NO pumps, timers, electric, etc...
Just fill the res, and leave alone until finished.

I hope I can get 90 days out of it, which would be great for autos. But time will tell.

This is just the initial test. If this test proves successful, I begin testing on a larger and more diverse scale.
I’m skeptical this method will work. That is why I’m testing it.
Obviously the University of Hawaii has had success with their methods.

But think of the pro’s for an outdoor auto grow, if this method can be tweaked to work.
NO digging holes, or packing tools, shovels, etc….
No watering or feeding during the grow, under any climatic conditions – drought, etc...
Simply plant and harvest.
4 weeks into the test.

The roots are growing down into the res. and look very healthy.
I thought there would be an algae bloom without oxygen in the res, but so far very minimal and no effect.
The plants look happy and healthy.

The reason why I choose the dwarf patio type tomato for the first test?
01. It has the same days to maturity (about 90 days).
02. It has the same height at maturity.
03. It likes the same temps.
04. It has a veg and a flower cycle.
05. They both have the same nutrient and ph requirements.
Plus I thought this was a suicide mission, so I did not want to sacrifice my Dank seeds.

I'll try and post some new picks shortly.

Patio Tomato 33 days

05.31.13 Patio 01.jpg

The res and roots

05.31.13 Patio 02.jpg
great thread and subbed up for this run. Great idea if i cant work for outdoors so much easier:dance: