USA Only *Tent Fires* Pinky Tuscadero Auto * Test Thread *

If it stays course, those shorter side branches will basically connect with the buds on the main stem as it fills out. Hopefully she gets nice and fat in the next 40 days or so!

Like I mentioned through #2's early adjustment to feeding, they seem to be hardy fighters. As well as fast. If they go off course it's the navigator's fault. :rofl:
Day 18 and 21 for these girls. Both showed sex around day 16 from seed (or thats when i noticed)
Full bucket change again tonight. They were both showing N tox so new res is lighter on nitrogen.
Younger girl

3 days older girl

Looks like i have 2 different phenos younger plant is squater and has much broader fan leaves than her sister.
Side branching ia not as prominent on her yet either
I got some preflowers on mine also. They're both lovely ladies!!! I'd post pics but I tried and my samsung phone cam sucks for focusing up close. So I couldnt get a pic. But there are indeed pistils (preflowers) on both ladies.
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Pinky Tuscerado 4 weeks and a day old in mother earth coco. Mega crop 400ppm feed 5.9ph. 72° F and 55 RH. These ladies are starting to grow fast now. Preflowers on both plants. Happy Friday Growers!