Dinafem TehSnow's 2nd Grow, Critical + 2.0 Auto


Hits from the bong
Nov 22, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
White Widow, Great Shark, Ak47
Hello and welcome to my second (indoor) autoflower grow. I'll try to document my grow of Dinafem's Critical + 2.0 autoflower strain that I picked up at their booth at Cannafest Prague 2016, 5 seeds for the price of 3 <3.

I'm going with pretty much the same specs as before:
Seed bank: Dinafem
Strain: Critical + 2.0 auto (https://www.dinafem.org/en/critical-20-autoflowering/)
Pots and soil: 11L black squared plastic pots, Plagron light mix.
Amount of plants: 4
Nutrients: Biobizz Grow, Bloom, TopMax, FishMix, Alg-a-Mic, Advanced Nutrient's Sensi Cal-Mag
Light and schedule: 1x GalaxyHydro 300W, 24/0 initially, 20/4 later
Ventilation: Ruck Can-Fan 125/ 310m^3/h and Empire carbon filter

Day 3

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Firstly thank you for dropping by the Dinafem booth and secondly thank you for taking your time to document your grow on AFN.

I'll be along for the ride so any questions just ask and I will do my very best to answer :pass:

Critical+2.0 AutoDinafem is a great strain mate. Nice and fast with great production of some fine end product :toke:

You look to have a nice set up and so far the plants look to be adapting to this environment very well :slap:

I'll be along for the ride and back in on your next update.

Until then thank you for starting this grow diary and thank you for the added picture very much appreciated.

All the best

Firstly thank you for dropping by the Dinafem booth and secondly thank you for taking your time to document your grow on AFN.

I'll be along for the ride so any questions just ask and I will do my very best to answer :pass:

Critical+2.0 AutoDinafem is a great strain mate. Nice and fast with great production of some fine end product :toke:

You look to have a nice set up and so far the plants look to be adapting to this environment very well :slap:

I'll be along for the ride and back in on your next update.

Until then thank you for starting this grow diary and thank you for the added picture very much appreciated.

All the best


Well, thank you a lot! I got some new pictures, the pH meter is giving me some trouble so now I have discoloration going on all over the place, so I put some 2ml/1L rootjuice and fixed the water pH and watered it a little to see what's gonna happen.

DAY 8.


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DAY 13


I thought I realized too late that thanks to the incorrect reading on my pH meter, I stunted the seedlings. I'm happy to say that thanks to the help from @Dinafem-Mark and my persistance, I managed to jump-start the seedlings from this limbo (aka between life and death). Damage is dried out, cracked leaves with burnt tip on the older leaves, new leaves don't have it.

Day 10 watering - ph'd water with 1,25ml of RootJuice
Day 13 watering - ph'd water with 1,25ml of RootJuice, 1ml of Grow, 1ml of Cal-Mag, spraying with Alg-a-mic and water

Here's hoping it's actually going to grow up into something.

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Great recovery mate and I was happy to help :toke:

Now at 2 weeks in they are starting to take shape. The colour looks very nice and the issues now look well under control :toke:

All new growth is looking great, ph looks correct and the young plants have a nice selection of feed to take up through those roots.

Great job so far mate and thank you for the picture update very much appreciated!

Until the next update :pass:

All the best

Thanks mate! I also want to thank @Ripper for answering few of my questions.

DAY 18

Last watering was on the 6th, with 1ml root juice, 1,5ml cal mag, 1ml B52. I'm going to water some more tomorrow. So far so good.


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