Dinafem My 2nd Fruit Auto and Critical +

Congrats on lovely looking harvest ;-)
Harvested for Critical+ and Fruit Auto

Critical+ is very very sticky with very dense and firm buds, wet weight 170g.

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Fruit Auto has the same nice grapefruit smell as I remember and sticky as well. 155g wet weight, buds are not as big as my previous one but I think it is due to my limited knowledge of soil grow with BioTabs.

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Will update with dry weight and complete the smoke reports when they are all cured properly!

Conclusion : Very happy with Critical+, easy to grow, hassle free and give me big fat dense buds. As for the Fruit Auto, I am bias, I just love this strain! BioTabs is good to use if you don't want to spend too much time faffing around, it is very convenient to use and gives you decent harvest. Once again, a happy customer of Dinafem!
Final update before the smoke report - after a week of drying, Critical+ ends up with 40g and Fruit Auto is 44g. Over the last 6 plants that grew with BioTabs, 5 out of 6 came out with 40g, only 1 plant gave me 66g. This is not bad at all, consider how little I had to do but I think I will move back to coco and will try soil in the coming months as I am planning to get myself a wormery.

Both are jarred and few weeks later, will update with the smoke reports, can't wait :smoking:
Final update before the smoke report - after a week of drying, Critical+ ends up with 40g and Fruit Auto is 44g. Over the last 6 plants that grew with BioTabs, 5 out of 6 came out with 40g, only 1 plant gave me 66g. This is not bad at all, consider how little I had to do but I think I will move back to coco and will try soil in the coming months as I am planning to get myself a wormery.

Both are jarred and few weeks later, will update with the smoke reports, can't wait :smoking:

Not a bad end result at all mate :pass:

A decent yield from both plant's and some lovely looking flowers ready to start that cure :thumbsup:

Well done and a big congratulations on the harvest my friend :cheers:

Enjoy :pass:

All the best :bong:

Not a bad end result at all mate :pass:

A decent yield from both plant's and some lovely looking flowers ready to start that cure :thumbsup:

Well done and a big congratulations on the harvest my friend :cheers:

Enjoy :pass:

All the best :bong:

Thanks Mark, I am very happy with both result, Critical+ has exceeded my expectation!

Welcome back from holiday and happy new year!