Lighting TaNgs Telos Tent.

I got a total of 11 zips off the Sour Bubbly and AvT which is pretty much what this light and my two plant cycle is giving me every 30-35 days, the quality this light brings out is really impressive too, I’ve grown HBSS and AvT several times and the best quality ones were grown under the’s the Alien V Triangle looking pretty covered.


How much is in a Zipp? :D looks Amazing!
@TaNg TaNg I've been a fan of yours for some time, the yields from autos are amazing, some times hard to believe, I'm curious what are honest dry weights? If someone replicated your system of Sensi A+B, Carboload, Overdrive, Guanakalong, Cal/Mg, and perhaps Plant Success Great white mycorrhizae, could they expect similar results to you, even if under a different brand LED (400w 2.5ft x 2.5ft coverage, or a smaller watt LED, like 75w - 150w like you), and a different light soil mix (Dr Earth Root Zone Starter)? Also do you feed nutrients daily, or do you go nutrients, water, nutrients, water throughout the whole cycle, always wondered, and couldn't find the answer in previous forum posts. I'm begining to think autos are the future, and non-autos are just for breeding good autos. I want your results! I'm experienced in non-autos.
@mcpd_refugee nice, thank you. Also friendly reminder depending your location, some products can't be got in your area, this is why I'm forced to use non-plagron soil, but I'd also like to remind that Carboload, is combined with Sweet Leaf, to create Bud Candy by advanced nutrients. You can read this on Advaned nutrients website under Tarantula, there is a question that is asked, and a rep responds, and Nirvana is a good replacement to Guanakalong extract.
@TaNg TaNg I've been a fan of yours for some time, the yields from autos are amazing, some times hard to believe, I'm curious what are honest dry weights? If someone replicated your system of Sensi A+B, Carboload, Overdrive, Guanakalong, Cal/Mg, and perhaps Plant Success Great white mycorrhizae, could they expect similar results to you, even if under a different brand LED (400w 2.5ft x 2.5ft coverage, or a smaller watt LED, like 75w - 150w like you), and a different light soil mix (Dr Earth Root Zone Starter)? Also do you feed nutrients daily, or do you go nutrients, water, nutrients, water throughout the whole cycle, always wondered, and couldn't find the answer in previous forum posts. I'm begining to think autos are the future, and non-autos are just for breeding good autos. I want your results! I'm experienced in non-autos.

Sorry not my thread but I would say nutes are the last thing to worry about mate.

Start with genetics then environment. With autos that’s about 80% of the process covered.

Nice AvT @TaNg [emoji106]
Right, which is a good last questions, genetics, any particular auto-strains, that you know has consistent results, and "usually" no small plants, genetics with like a 99% going to be big? @TaNg seems to always get nice large plants. Also Nirvana has bat guana (to help replace Guanakalong) it also has Azomite, which is made from Silica ores, and even if minor, could replace Rhino Skin with minor, to no difference than Rhino Skin. Save some money, Also Alfalfa meal, which contains Triacontanol. Thanks for the kindness, and advice.
Right, which is a good last questions, genetics, any particular auto-strains, that you know has consistent results, and "usually" no small plants, genetics with like a 99% going to be big? @TaNg seems to always get nice large plants. Also Nirvana has bat guana (to help replace Guanakalong) it also has Azomite, which is made from Silica ores, and even if minor, could replace Rhino Skin with minor, to no difference than Rhino Skin. Save some money, Also Alfalfa meal, which contains Triacontanol. Thanks for the kindness, and advice.

I'll leave it for the man himself to answer that mate.

But, Mephisto, DP, ShortStuff would be good starting points.

Peace mate.
I'm curious if @TaNg ever gets seeds that are just little plants, and he tosses them out, or if they are always keepers, and beautiful. I'm viewing a past grow of Cheese, and an Ultimate, the Ultimate gets 300w around day 35, which is like my 400w LED, but I think the way TaNg angles his lights diagonally really helps the plant a lot. So it's better to have 2 smaller lights, angled diagonally, than to have 1 light above that's more powerful. Also TaNg's 15L airpots, those are 5 gallons right? which 5 gallons is roughly 18L? there's only 3 gallon, and 5 gallon, no 4 gallon air pots, so I assume they are 5 gallon?
I'm curious if @TaNg ever gets seeds that are just little plants, and he tosses them out, or if they are always keepers, and beautiful. I'm viewing a past grow of Cheese, and an Ultimate, the Ultimate gets 300w around day 35, which is like my 400w LED, but I think the way TaNg angles his lights diagonally really helps the plant a lot. So it's better to have 2 smaller lights, angled diagonally, than to have 1 light above that's more powerful. Also TaNg's 15L airpots, those are 5 gallons right? which 5 gallons is roughly 18L? there's only 3 gallon, and 5 gallon, no 4 gallon air pots, so I assume they are 5 gallon?

2 lights are ALWAYS better than one mate. One point of light is the worst case scenario. An infinite number is best. I have 5 cobs in my small tent which is a hell of a lot better than having one large cob in the middle. Same principle as angling the two lights. With 5 lights pretty much every inch of the space is lit up from different angles. Global lighting it’s called.

15 litre is approx 4 US gallons [emoji106]

Sir tang always used to start two seeds and keep the best seedling of the pair at 10 days old or something. Good policy especially if you’re really good at growing and get free seeds thrown at you [emoji23]