New Grower TANGELO RAPIDO by Barnys Farm

Using drops for pH will do in a pinch, but I'd add a good pH pen to your wish list:biggrin: Drops are hard to get accurate readings from. I use an ECO 2, it's fairly cheap but has done me proud.
Again, I've used organic apple cider vinegar to lower pH, but it's short lived compared to products like GH Ph Up and Down. Again, maybe a wish list item:d5:

Last on the wish list, IMHO, would be a nute package that allowed for tweaking the P and K without dinking with the N. This will be very important during flowering, when you want to boost the latter and reduce the N uptake:coffee:
Not trying to bust your chops, Amigo, just sharing what I learned from the folks during my first couple of grows:peace:
The youngsters are looking great.... I think Babs has my eyes! :love:
:rofl: :bump:

i got the other shultz wich is 2-7-7,should i use it or just go for straight pk,hard to find those and wich one do you use?
as far as i know that best for veggy is 6-2-4 and for flower 1-2-4,and some people likeyourself say we should have absolut zero nitrogen when growth is done.
now,im gonna tell you what i believe.
Brother i know that the chicken your patting is an actual shaaman and not an ordinary chik:cheers:,so you have the wisdom of shaaman's :worship:.just give me a name of pk product.
thank you so much brother RR. very much appreciated.
Brother i know that the chicken your patting is an actual shaaman and not an ordinary chik:cheers:,so you have the wisdom of shaaman's :worship:.just give me a name of pk product.
thank you so much brother RR. very much appreciated.
I have a mix of Rock, AN, and Alaska fish, and yes, even Miracle Grow:yoinks: But in that line-up I have one product that is all N, and for example AN Bloom is 1--3-4, and Big Bud comes in at 0-1-3. All the canna lines will tell you "this+this+plus this... the art comes in understanding the analysis of each component, and tailoring it to your needs at the moment:biggrin:
I have a mix of Rock, AN, and Alaska fish, and yes, even Miracle Grow:yoinks: But in that line-up I have one product that is all N, and for example AN Bloom is 1--3-4, and Big Bud comes in at 0-1-3. All the canna lines will tell you "this+this+plus this... the art comes in understanding the analysis of each component, and tailoring it to your needs at the moment:biggrin:
View attachment 471786

that big bud fits the nitrogen,and the k is double+ the p.
will grab it this week.
thank you BROTHER RR:joy:

as god fathers to the 3 tangelo chicks,you need to give them a female name PLEASE.
Okay, let me get this straight: You are raising three young girls, keeping them to a confined space, making sure that their lives are comprised of equal parts utter boredom and unrelieved sexual frustration. Then you're going to dismember them, cut off their sexual organs, dry them, and then burn them. And now you want to give them NAMES? What kind of sicko are you? :D
However, if forced to choose, seeing as how I have the baby of the bunch, I've got to go with Lolita. Sounds pervy enough to fit in with my comment, eh? :D
Okay, let me get this straight: You are raising three young girls, keeping them to a confined space, making sure that their lives are comprised of equal parts utter boredom and unrelieved sexual frustration. Then you're going to dismember them, cut off their sexual organs, dry them, and then burn them. And now you want to give them NAMES? What kind of sicko are you? :D
However, if forced to choose, seeing as how I have the baby of the bunch, I've got to go with Lolita. Sounds pervy enough to fit in with my comment, eh? :D

:crying: bbbbbbbbbbbbboooooooyaahhhhh baby. LOLITA it is.:cheers:
long weekend in canada ,im off today:smoking:so i can kick back and relax.
:pass:thats PURPLE OG very nice day social strain.
oh yeah,and dont leave the theatre without seeing me,a love slap is in order over here.:slap:
Finally found your thread! Looks like things are back on track +rep for pulling her round. Looks like you have some real pros looking over your shoulder too. Thats always a bonus! Good luck brother i'll be following along
However, if forced to choose, seeing as how I have the baby of the bunch, I've got to go with Lolita. Sounds pervy enough to fit in with my comment, eh? :D
:face: Therapy time for Red... :crying:
Stay away from Babs, BR.... my chicken can handle herself just fine, just leave Babs alone. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Finally found your thread! Looks like things are back on track +rep for pulling her round. Looks like you have some real pros looking over your shoulder too. Thats always a bonus! Good luck brother i'll be following along

Sanguine how are you brother.
thank you for the love and support ,very much appreciated.
ive sent you a vip invitation with a mermaid.did you get invitation? thing is ,she never came back,and next i hear there was a fish chips party in the area:rofl:. :pass: Orange tang strain.
got an update coming up.
yeah,mother Angelina Tangelo is back big time.she recovered 100% and doing great,but still a full week in almost dead mode will affect the final harvest.