New Grower TANGELO RAPIDO by Barnys Farm

Welcome to another episode of the Tangelo family show & grow.
Mother Angelina Tangelo have concluded the veggy cycle and she now stands at 32" tall.
last week of growth was violent 9/10. she's nine inch taller than last photos.
there she is at day 45.

and here are the little princesses BABS & LOLITA.

The whole family is doing very good with 10/10 health.
lolita's growth strength is now at par with her older sister.
both girls have grown vertically 50% since last week.

BABS TANGELO stands now @ 12"
LOLITA TANGELO stands now @ 9"

its getting really busy in the secret garden.the 2 daughters are still to double in size next 2 weeks.
Mother angelina definitly surprised me with her size.
but hey,ive always wanted to over crowd the tent as to find its max harvest potential.

thank you for stoping by.
apology for mediocre picture quality.this will be fixed down the looking to post videos in near future as my phone has video HD capability.:coffee:
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:thanks: EYES.
everything in terms of quality and health is back solid on the road.
now the height of Mother Angelina took me by surprise.last week by saturday she steadily dropped water consumption,she was at 23" and i thought she most likely signaling end of growth.
and then suddenly sunday she gulps 2L and same next 5 days basically verticaling up another 10" in 5 days.
took the height today and she is at 33".definitely final height.

so heres my latest problem.
light is now all the way up and only 5" above the main 2 more side branches that are around some 7" and will also suffer burns if nothing 's done.
the only thing i can come up with is to super crop the 3 collas evening all the tops,and that will allow me to lift up the whole pot several inches towards the light.but then again as far as i know ,autos should only be lst'd ,no toping or super croping.
what would you do if you were in my shoes?:pass: orange tang
tilt your light an inch IF ya can..if not..tilt your plant with varying degrees of shims ans lean the plant some taking an inch or two out of the top and spin it twice a dya or no less than a 1/3 turn every day'ish or there abouts.a lil tough but between that as well as bending the tops a little bit too you'll gain a few inches.just anchor it or dont heal it over bigtime or anything LOL! dont be the 3Am guy with gremlins in the garden ,with a the tent at 3AM..WTF?lol ive nit had them get a lot bigger than that so id think you shouldnt have much room to gain so should be fairly easy id think.ive not had one get much taller than 30 some inches myself. and thats the taller one too.

or move it out to the outskirts of the light(guessing ya got an LED? lol) with an LED thats really helpful but take some slcak ou tof the lines holding your lights if their longer too. dunno your set up. but there are a few simple options combined will gain a few inches.
:thanks: EYES.
everything in terms of quality and health is back solid on the road.
now the height of Mother Angelina took me by surprise.last week by saturday she steadily dropped water consumption,she was at 23" and i thought she most likely signaling end of growth.
and then suddenly sunday she gulps 2L and same next 5 days basically verticaling up another 10" in 5 days.
took the height today and she is at 33".definitely final height.

so heres my latest problem.
light is now all the way up and only 5" above the main 2 more side branches that are around some 7" and will also suffer burns if nothing 's done.
the only thing i can come up with is to super crop the 3 collas evening all the tops,and that will allow me to lift up the whole pot several inches towards the light.but then again as far as i know ,autos should only be lst'd ,no toping or super croping.
what would you do if you were in my shoes?:pass: orange tang
Extreme situations call for extreme measures. Bend those tops down that are too close to the light, but i would not supercrop.