New Grower TANGELO RAPIDO by Barnys Farm

Are you feeding any cal/mag or epsom salts. From the looks od it and its a bit hard to see the leafs but it looks like it could be cal or mag maybe a bit of both

i had to do a major flush to bring up the soil to ph 6.5 from the ph 1:doh: ran tap water upwards of 50l through to get back to normal,naturally now i got jack in the soil in terms of nuts.
for the last 5 days shes getting N P K +calcium,magnesium,manganese,iron,zinc.
gonna post more pics,see if you guys can isolate that problem for me.
picture quality with a 5mp phone is midiocre.heres how they look.
3 days a go ,got my commercial grow buddy to take a look at the mother,based on the fact that shes back extremly strong,he said most likely after 1 week the new growth shouldnt be affected anymore.
id like to get the opinion of you guys too IMG_20150801_122225_1.jpg IMG_20150801_122235_1.jpg .
Your buddy is correct the new growth should be vigorous and non effected if you fixed the problem.
Your soil PH is in check now?
To me she looks like she needs a nice heavy feeding of N and P. I'd even treat her with some Cal mag.

i was just scrutinizing the top new growth before i read your message,while its nice,the color of the green is slightly brighter,and you might be absolutely correct ,as this could be related to insufficient gonna increase the dose starting tomorrow and report in several days.
yeah bro cal/mag i got the GH CALIMAGIC im feeding her with every meal.
ok.enough talkin about what the mother biatch needs.did you have lunch yet?
no? buddy ,you aint goin anywhere.on the third floor is the theatre patio restaurant exclusive for our VIP members.
we are doing 16 oz new york steaks.this one here alberta AAA beef,thats theeeeee beeeef of n.america
charcoiled to perfection.the jamaican bell peppers ,are around 250k scoffville points .their extremly hot but posess an incredible taste if you can handle them.ENJOY & thank you for visiting.

Call mine Barbara Howe (I had to google it, honest!!). Babs, for short.:biggrin:
May she quickly develop into a bush like that:crying::rofl::rofl:
Momma is still looking a bit beat up, and I second the idea of monitoring your new growth very closely. Upping the P K for a bit would be a good thing, and a foliar with Epsom salts (MgS04) @ 1.5 TSP per gallon would not be out of bounds for the Mg boost.
What are you using to measure pH, Brother, and how are you calibrating?
Time to get a bit more detailed here, IMHO, with current room and res temps, ppm's, light schedule and height, RH, you know the drill:thumbsup:
:rofl:Babs it is.:d5: :pass:heres a green dragon for a cerebral jolt
and shes doin mighty fine.shes 5" high and 10" wide.unfoalding her 5th set of leafs.

mommy is now 16" high and 16" wide.
getting shultz 10-15-10 on a basis of 14 drops per im still using half strength,wich is very conservative considering she had zero nutes.
ph i use color drops in sample dark yellow 6.5,bright yellow 6.0 and i use white vinegar as ph down for tap water aiming for ph 6
calimagic for cal/mag at 2ml/L
ph i use color drops in sample dark yellow 6.5,bright yellow 6.0 and i use white vinegar as ph down for tap water aiming for ph 6
calimagic for cal/mag at 2ml/L
Using drops for pH will do in a pinch, but I'd add a good pH pen to your wish list:biggrin: Drops are hard to get accurate readings from. I use an ECO 2, it's fairly cheap but has done me proud.
Again, I've used organic apple cider vinegar to lower pH, but it's short lived compared to products like GH Ph Up and Down. Again, maybe a wish list item:d5:
getting shultz 10-15-10 on a basis of 14 drops per im still using half strength,wich is very conservative considering she had zero nutes.
Last on the wish list, IMHO, would be a nute package that allowed for tweaking the P and K without dinking with the N. This will be very important during flowering, when you want to boost the latter and reduce the N uptake:coffee:
Not trying to bust your chops, Amigo, just sharing what I learned from the folks during my first couple of grows:peace:
The youngsters are looking great.... I think Babs has my eyes! :love: