Indoor taiga and polarlight #2 in dwc under l.e.d

i have to ask you though why use the root it in the taiga and the rhizotonic in the polars? would it be less productive to have just one of the types of nute in both strains? is there a sever diffrence in the two products? im gunan have to learn everythign i can to keep up and in the end...see more buds haha:cool:

its just preference and im really trying to use up what nutrients i have around me, ill be switching all the plants over to rhizotonic on the next res change which should be tomorrow , there was a big difference in root strutcture on my last grow with the bluberry plants but i never got to finish them off so i couldnt tell if it made a difference which is another reason why i wanted to try the experiment again

ill get an update in here in the next 24 hours :thumbs:
I'm not sure it's you're ph thats stunted the think different. I have a feeling that there's a really nice big pheno and a really small pheno. I have 2 growing that are not very big either. I noticed that when I compared them to Seymours grow he had a smaller plant which he ditched after a few weeks, the smaller ones second set of leaves had just a single tipped leaf whilst the bigger ones had a 3 tipped leaf. My 2 have only one tip on the second set. I'll bet yours does as well!!

hey there. Don't want to spam up seymours thread so I'll keep it short.
It might be a small pheno but I have 2 kush at 7 weeks and the TD is
also 7. The other 2 are about 24" tall whereas the TD is about 8". Think it's
my issues more than the pheno.
Happy growing!
Peace lostboy
Hey Seymour.
I've heard some great things about House & Garden root stims
I'm trying them now. Let ya know what they're like.
Happy growing
Peace, lostboy
day 14 from seed

ive just been checking on my babies today before i give them all a res change and snapped a few pics of their progress

1 of the polarlights has shown to be male so has been removed from the grow and the other polarlight has shown signs of being female @ only 14 days

both the taiga plants are looking good for their age but neither have shown sex yet, im guessing the taiga plants are gonna be the 1s to watch out for in the remianing weeks

all buckets will be on 1.3 ec with added silica and cal/mag, even though i had 4 plants in the room the smell is pretty tame at the minute


here is the polarlight male that ive removed



the remianing plants









REally looking different than the TD and the blueberry, but looking great! Strange about the male, they were autofem seeds right? Did it hermie, you going to let it grow?
All looking great man. Coming along very well, of course. You rock. :head:
REally looking different than the TD and the blueberry, but looking great! Strange about the male, they were autofem seeds right? Did it hermie, you going to let it grow?

plants always look the same to me at this stage its only when they go into pre flower stretch that they show their true personalities ;)

that polarlights was a hermie, i removed it earlier today and inspected it and found that it also had a calyx, obviously im watching the remaining 1 closely but she looks 100% female, im in no postion to complain as the seeds were free

sometimes it pays to start with more plants than what you actually need, both the taiga's are looking good and i have a feeling they are gonna steal the show, still got a long way to go yet though :D
i have been curious about the powerplant auto(taiga), I hope that it does, I can definetely say that the Tundra proved to be a good grow. I just ordered my v-60 for my next grow! Thanks for all of your candor and info on the grows it has helped me imensely.
ive been following your grow fairly closley, and just about to start my own bubble bucket, the only thing im still a little vague on is when your water levels go down in the bucket do you top up with fresh water, or wait till the water level is even lower and do a complete res change any help/suggestions appreciated!!!