Lighting T5/CFL only thread (the manual)

hi, im currently using a 45wt 6400k cfl bulb will plants still flower under that bulb? im growing some GOM's
Started with 150 w blue keeping 2-3 inches above cola. At 5 weeks I added a 150 w yellow and another one at 7 weeks on the side so the bottom buds get light. I also rotate it 90 degrees every day.


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I love myT~5..workin wonders on these autos.. Mine are lil over 3 weeks and they are really takin off ever since I doubble potted em
Been 32 degrees at night where I live, so I run my light at night.. got my 8 bulb T~5 3~4 in above my girls and they love with the light on stays at 80, when its off and I have my heat mat on for root warmth,its ive double potted..gata move that light up everyday.....ILOVEMYT~5
ok folks simple question from a first time grower what, what in yere opinion is the minimum wattage to get good buds from 3 auto mazar. at the mo the just breaking soil an i got like 50 watts over the 3.. i notice this thread is a bit dead but i hope sombody chimes in for me
I thought I'd report what is happening with my CFL grow box. I built a box for my first grow about 6 months ago. It measures appx. 16 x 48 inches and has an OSB board with 27 cheap fixtures mounted on it and suspended over the plants. I run cheap ( abt. $3 each) 23 watt bulbs using a mix of 23k and 65k spectrums. This system has been working quite well, however I noticed a couple of weeks ago that the temperature in the box was a few degrees warmer that in the past. This trend is continuing. While it used to hold around 80 degrees, temps are now around 90. I'm thinking that while the bulbs may be still putting out nearly the light they used to, it's likely that they are drawing significantly more electricity as they age. Time to pay the piper and shell out $80 for new bulbs.