New Grower Switching to flower nutes to control height

Didn't raise lights, but had to tie some branches down, 1mlbloom 5ml bloom
check this out. . I have found in my limited experience that growing in smaller pots leads to an early finish.
Yes indeed ,that is the thread that got me thinking...........

Mainly this part......

"I know that many of you are thinking that the seed bank said the plants will finish in 8-9 weeks, so why are you saying they take 10-11? The claims made by the seed banks are somewhat deceptive. If you switch to flowering nutes at week 3 or 4 the plants can finish in the times the seed banks say but they will remain small and not reach their full potential yield. Years of growing by myself and others has shown that autos do best if you follow this time line."

As for -small pots = faster harvest......I have to say that I've done 4 grows so far ,in a 1 gallon pot ,and they all finished no sooner than day 75 ,even the strains rated as 'early'. Of course ,I grow with CFL ,it might be that too.....

Also ,I never tried "late finishers",either....
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I've been adding bloom nutes around week 4 stopping the veg fft 1n 2 gal pots n my girls almost always look like there dying shortly after not sure why... but still produce tight dense buds but very small plants mostlyone large cola n a few small lower branches.plants get from 12 to18" in 1 gal n 18 to 24" in the 2