New Grower Switching to flower nutes to control height

Aug 13, 2015
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Being a micro grower ,I have ,of course ,height issues. (only 13 inches between rim and CFL)

Despite the fact that I spend a lot of time on forums and did a couple of grows ,today I stumbled upon a detail which I must have missed.
It is stated that One shouldn't switch to flower nutes too early ,at the first signs of preflower ,because the plant will stop gaining height and structure ,and focus on the buds ,thus remaining short

Of course ,that is advisable for regular growers ,who have plenty of space ,why waste it ,right?.......But ..........could a micro grower take the positive from it?

My question is --after switching to flower nutes on a stretchy ,lanky strain still in preflower ,how long approximately does it take for the plant to stop gaining height?

Is there any rule of thumb ,like for example ,a day ,or a week ,or related to the size of the pot ,etc.?

I hope you understood my question ,I would like to know if we micro-growers can add this "flower nute method" as one of the solutions to control height.Thanx
I can't help with this issue bc I have only heard that it could slow or stop veg. But I'm wanting to see the amswers from someone who has experienced this. And if you try this please document I would love to see a live test
hat is something micro growers should consider.... but? length of time and growth rates are gonna be strain dependent so pick a strain and get to know it! is all I can offer you for time sensitive advise.
I've heard of something similar with photos, but coupled with switching the light cycle to trigger flowering. I kind of wonder if since auto's have a life cycle less coupled to an external thing like light if it might ignore nute changes similarly. Good question, I'm interested to see what the experts have to say.
hat is something micro growers should consider.... but? length of time and growth rates are gonna be strain dependent so pick a strain and get to know it! is all I can offer you for time sensitive advise.
I understand that is above all ,strain specific. But ,surely some of those who did plenty of grows along the years ,they might have rushed at some point into adding flowering nutes too early ....and got unwanted "runts".....

Maybe there are some common points in that.....not desired by the regular growers ,but from which micro growers may draw some conclusions or establish a kind of pattern.....
Every person, plant, location and climate are different and creates different out comes? do the work and you'll find out how your climate and thumb work in conjunction with the strain you chose!!! on average I'd say 40% loss. By not waiting for vertical growth to stop befor switching to flower nute's.
currently on my first auto grow with three different strains, two are in pre-flower. mixed a batch of nutes for the two and fed all three. the third just showed her pistol. it grew a tad bit then started to slow down. (had to tie her down to match the somewhat canopy) im going to continue to give it the same feeding as the others and see if it stretches any more.
Thank you for the input c4no ,can you give us more details about your grow ,especially the strain fed in preflower?(p-k concentrations ,strain name ,pot size ,etc)? much appreciated.
I had to raise the light above the pot today. It's in pre-flower and not so sure how "stretchy this strain gets since its a first for me