Switching from Biobizz organic to Advanced Nutrients (2weeks blooming)

@sheria The first thing we want to test is your tap water EC.

Looking at the damage on a leaf in a soil grow is many days past the point that initiated it. As you well know now. It is not often a shortage of some element in the pot but an excess of one or more that causes a problem.

Once you know the EC of your water, mix your fertilizer acording to the instructions from the vendor - the sequence counts. Then measure the EC again. The difference between the two is the strength of the immediately available nutrients, it does not measure organic or live material that will feed the microbes in the soil and make them little factories to feed the plant. Now is when you want to PH your mix; just before feeding. PH to 6.3 for the light mix.
I hardly used nutrients before the problems occurred, so I'm not sure that's the initial cause. I waited 3 weeks before adding BioBizz fish mix and alg a mic at 1/3 the dosage. I did not switch to grow as recommended and used Bloom. In bloom, the problems appeared.
I do think I may have run into too much nutrients when I switched to the full BioBizz line in a hurry, though.

I switched to Advanced Nutrients pH perfect , it adjusts the pH so you don't need pH down/up.
My tap water is 7, gonna check the pH when I finished mixung the pH perfect nutrients. Should be lower then.

What do you think of EC measuring the drain after feeding? Should I do that too, @Mañ'O'Green ?
I hardly used nutrients before the problems occurred, so I'm not sure that's the initial cause. I waited 3 weeks before adding BioBizz fish mix and alg a mic at 1/3 the dosage. I did not switch to grow as recommended and used Bloom. In bloom, the problems appeared.
I do think I may have run into too much nutrients when I switched to the full BioBizz line in a hurry, though.

I switched to Advanced Nutrients pH perfect , it adjusts the pH so you don't need pH down/up.
My tap water is 7, gonna check the pH when I finished mixung the pH perfect nutrients. Should be lower then.

What do you think of EC measuring the drain after feeding? Should I do that too, @Mañ'O'Green ?
I don't use run-off EC simply because you have no idea what is in it. It can be used for trend lines in long term monitoring - random reads are useless.
PH on the other hand can be useful in hydroponics not so much in soil.
I don't use run-off EC simply because you have no idea what is in it. It can be used for trend lines in long term monitoring - random reads are useless.
PH on the other hand can be useful in hydroponics not so much in soil.

My tap water after filtering is:
176 ppm

After adding all nutrients to 1 liter:
1460 ppm

My tap water after filtering is:
176 ppm

After adding all nutrients to 1 liter:
1460 ppm
IMPE feeding Autos over 700 PPM of just nutrients is too high, I would blend that down with some water. PH to 6.4.
IMPE feeding Autos over 700 PPM of just nutrients is too high, I would blend that down with some water. PH to 6.4.
Okay, I'm going to decrease base nutrients to 2ml/l to lower my ppm
Okay, I'm going to decrease base nutrients to 2ml/l to lower my ppm

Based on looking at what you have put in the pot you many not need to feed for weeks?

It is easier to hit a PPM target by mixing the stronger "on the chart ratios" and then add water or to water to hit your desired PPM.
Based on looking at what you have put in the pot you many not need to feed for weeks?

It is easier to hit a PPM target by mixing the stronger "on the chart ratios" and then add water or to water to hit your desired PPM.
I may have made an error when converting to to ppm, the device I borrowed from a friend is measuring in Microsiemens.
Filtered water: 238 Microsiemens
With Nutrients: 2284 Microsiemens

Should be roughly 119ppm for filtered water and 1142ppm for nutes.

I converted using m s/cm but that's wrong.
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I had to flush, my flush drain was over 2000ppm.
Flushed and added reduced nutrients in regards to your helpful ppm posts, @Mañ'O'Green .
Plant is doing better now.

I contacted advanced nutrients about a product of theirs and we came to talk about ppm .

This is what they say about their pH perfect nutrients products, in case other advanced nutrients users are curious:
please note in regards to PPM / EC measurements: When using our pH perfect line of nutrients there tend to be many other components besides dissolved fertilizer in the water. (eg. pH buffers, humic and fulvic acid, amino acids etc…) Because of this an electrical conductivity (EC, TDS, PPM) reading can be difficult for the grower to properly ascertain and should not be relied upon as a measuring metric.
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Hey @sheria and welcome to AFN

Going to give you my 2 cents now.
The guys have drop you all the nutrient knowledge, follow those links and read up. Its all really really good stuff.

You have stated the exact same way I did 2016. Bio buzz light with Bio Bizz nutes.
My advice would be to stick with the Bio bizz and put the Advanced Nutrients away for another day. You will have far better learning curve with Bio Bizz than the confusion Advanced Nutrients can cause.

Bio bizz light has enough charge for about 4 weeks that's why you are now needing to taper up the feed.
I found about 2/3 of the recommended dose of Bio Bizz nutes was good for autos or there abouts. Some would take full strength some would be a 1/3.
Buy some Epsom Salts, mix 1tbl into 1ltr of water and foila spray your leaves a couple of time over a week. (turn you light down if you can). This will give them an instant magnesium fix and help with your purple stems. Careful of your flowers you don't want to get them that wet. This practice is best done in veg and early flower.

With bio bizz just follow the ratios for the rest of this run. Maybe feed it full strength and see how the plant reacts.
Following the ratios by any Nutrient company is a must, you can tapper the strength but stick to the ratio's.

Why don't you get journal going, tag all of us in thus thread then we can grow along with you day by day and get you to that all important havest.

I think your doing fine, no different from my first grow just a little hiccup that can be easily sorted.