Sweet Seeds SWEETS from da Swamp!!!!

Cream Manderine

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Very VERY VERY citrus i do believe it is theee most identifiable manderine orange smell in the leaves ive seen then it has the creamy coffe in the stalks
Very floral as well for so young

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Heres Vigourous Black Cream
Serious appatite for fish goo

They get aplain watering and then it will be a serious poop tea
Im gonna give these ladies some love Poopy Style ":check:
View attachment 267510View attachment 267509Ladiesgot there water today
Right before lights on also gave them a foliar
1 ml of Ancient Amber Humic/Fulvic
5 ml of Fish Goo per quart

Nd boom about an Inch of growth again today so far
After this next tea i should be closing the Veg nutes and almost beginning the bloom enhancers
Wont do any bloom feed as im gonnaput High P bat poop in my teas so i guess its still aHome brew poop tea r

Lades lovinng it ur !!!

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The FAM !!!

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My Baby Manderine she looking like Satellites dish for the LED UVs
Have a great Labourious day Usa AFNlogo:Holy Moly:
Hi Swamp-brudda! :D: ...I've been behind all week, tryin' to catch up! Finally here...*whew*...I see you and the Ladies been busy too,...:brow:
Im gonna give these ladies some love Poopy Style ":check:
<-- :roflcry: Word gettin' around, you da Poop-Meister in Chief! There's a proper poop for every application, ay? I swear Swampy, you're one of a kind here!
Fed them.truely steroid .
Fungual bacterial fish gooey bat poopy crusty crustaceans powdes oysters Hootnaneys Beau Soeileis
Rappahannoks Witcheis
Grind dems up and soak them in Apple ciders Vinegars
Cal/Phos Recipes#2
Oh this one rockets ur tea to perfect foam
I have found summn Nuculear ......The poops i been marinating well i added 2 tsp as well and den made me a drink of
"Da poopy mix"

Well i ignited this with some water at 1tbls to get going the Tea
Then 12 hours added
5 ml .of Cal/Phos #1 Eggshells
5 ml of Cal/Phos #2 Oyster Blend
<--- Seriously, I don't believe anyone 'cooks' like this 'round here,... not even kind of,...and the results are excellent! DPM flavah! :ama: Whoa- how you do that?- LOL! The girls are looking fantastic, mon amie :High 5: I'm really looking forward to seeing the fine, fine, harvest you got comin'! :smoke:Ahhh, more bab-ees on da way, huh? LOL!- good pic of them tracking the light! Looks like we got 2 Magic Shows here, you and da Mississ...:slap:
Im still learning too bro
Seems they could take more
Lol this Black Cream is got me some.wood
Truely fast as hell
Cream Caramel was smaller but i had her in 1 gal
It was truely an amazing plant

Nowi get a. Black.onelol
The smells are stunning already and no flowers yet should be fun !!!
Tomorrow Morning they get a Mist of.Fresh H2O2 (Rainwater)!!!

Then the misting shall be at almost an end to many hairs todamage
Growing some lovely ladies there swamp!
You still loinin'... :D: but yur plants ain't boinin', and that, my brother, testifies!!-Hands to da roof! LOL- but don't push your luck! I guess it's much like us and vitamins: we can absorb only so much at a time,...the rest either goes to waste, or may cause some troubles!.... *** I don't think BC is suppose to be much bigger,... Tommy's were all about 15-18", there abouts...Dewd, you got wood now, just think what you'll have come harvest-LOL!! Stainless Steel with a satin finish!! :WTF: *** I'm starting to get some aromatics, but very general good MJ smell, nutin' specific yet... Oh! poke your nose in at my HR thread, and scope out the MoB's! The tall girl is going purp's, the other you like the looks of, no sign yet... some Fall cool still may bring it out though! :wiz: I forgot what's it's like when a plant with good size gets busy with the sex! It's way fun to watch those nugg's start to really size up! HUH! :hump: LOL *** Roger that on da hairsss... Swamp, I B trippin',... how long have you been on the High Team? LMAO!! :dance2::High 5: on that!
Couple.days maybe bro
And ill get there in a Jiffy

Thanks Nam
Iseemy older Manderine is getting a fresh green stalk.between her , new head and old headsshe starting togo ro.the light
:gthumb: learning some cool stuff. Thanks swamp:smokebuds::peace:
Thanks UHF
YEAH they growing alot.today
Humic/ fulvic and Auxins Release