Sweet Seeds SWEETS from da Swamp!!!!

Girls are looking healthy Swamp!!! :smokebuds:

Thanks Turtle these are fiesty little ladies bro i would like to.see this hapoen with more light available whether bigger Led which im working on
Mightdo the GN since they here
Might even.Hookup the Hpss for 10 days as I'm cleaning these girl out
Boom and then fry them.dry lol
Hey Swamp, I don't wanna hyjack yo thread but got a question for ya to man. How do ya flush prior to harvest in supersoils?
Right on the verge of her showing me signs of eating the leaves i cut her she was ready
That was the first tyme running a supersoil bro
As Piggy said u dont need aflush but watering it for a few days helped make my lady show signs of eating herleaves
Then when i harvested the plant i immediatly innoculated the soil with a live strong brew
Like a nice brew let that rest fir a week or 10 days maybe wentright back in after i added a layer of new top spot with Peat
Then im gonna top dresshere in 2weeks with this new baby hitting 21 days
Should keep it alive as i add in teas as well lol
I fed water Romeo.for about 10 days then harvested and i. Did let my medium be dry for a.long period of time before icut em.
The Second nuggs i cutt off the CCD were dry for almost 6 days after there last watering

Worked a lot better in this Cure
Every Nugg was perfect as I had1War with Mold already
So glad that will not be an issue again thaat. Can say thanks again the
Thanks piggy and swamp. Still learning as I go.
I dunno too much on it eitheryet Romeo i just Know my Weed Was the Ceanest ive dne Ever
Hadsome.bad first fewgrows
Yack on skme.weed lol
For the Baby manderine She ginnaGrow around the old roots and all.of the CCD
WAS gonna make a root Rub but said. To.hell with it Bacterialready all overem And It should helpfor Airarion as well if the shit i read allover is really true

I wont everUse Chemicals besides a small.juice of Seagrow

In the Tlo soil in this Baby Manderine it wontbe touched ever tho
Ima Do 1 more run justto.check the qualit for that Recipie
But im Building
Levers Recipe Next
MY BABY JESUS THANKS forDis Treat Sweets

Olla Mi Amigo Thomas lol.
Tommy these look.cool Are What

:stylez rasta smoke:
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:jaw: Black.Cream. 26 days

14.25 in tall and yo see the girth ...
Getting abloom.enhancer Just a Hf.dose.of some. Of the Homemade Cal Phos

Cream Manderine

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26 days both on a 125 w T5 HO Grow Spectrum 8000 Lumens :jaw::jaw::jaw:Hop digity
Damn swamp, I feel like an amateur again :D: Those girls look bangin'

@romeo, what I meant by no flush is you don't put tons of water through the pot and try to clear it, you just continue on giving it dechlorinated water. I try to go by the AFN terminology of flush/cleanse.
I dunno too much on it eitheryet Romeo i just Know my Weed Was the Ceanest ive dne Ever

That's what sold me my friend. I took two years of biology and it just taught me how much I didn't know :crying:
Just kidding, it taught me a lot. I definately suggest picking up a BIO 101 book from e-bay and checking out all the info. The 101-104 coursebooks should teach you everything you need to know about photosynthesis and microbes, after that you should be able to search out the rest on the webs.

Remember we're all smart monkeys, we can figure this out!