Indoor Sweet Skunk Auto & Tangelo Rapido Auto - Kush's Low Budget Grow

They are lush and growing well.
One problem, though: it has been a month and almost two weeks from seed, but the Tangelo Rapido still has no preflowers. Could it be that it is not autoflowering?
At the same time the Sweet Skunk is shooting (pre)flowers all over its body.


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    tangelo rapido no flowers.jpg
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    sweet skunk flowers.jpg
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Today I fed the flowering Sweet Skunk a dose of brown Kristalon.
The Tangelo Rapido is so healthy and so lush, I want to eat it, lol. However, it is still not flowering. :(
both plants.jpg
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it is rare but it does happen sometimes that an auto wants to be a there a way for you to give the rapido 12-14 hours of darkness each night ? that sometimes brings them around to the auto way of thinking,but sometimes they stay a photo.
it is rare but it does happen sometimes that an auto wants to be a there a way for you to give the rapido 12-14 hours of darkness each night ? that sometimes brings them around to the auto way of thinking,but sometimes they stay a photo.
Damn, I don't think I have the right conditions to give the Tangelo 12 hours of complete darkness. Maybe I will try to cover it with some cloth or a vinyl sheet.
I totally do not want it to stay a photo because my ghetto grow box is not light-proof. A photo plant would be forever trapped in its vegetative stage inside of my box and will never flower.
Still hoping that the Tangelo will autoflower sooner or later.
could you start a new seed ? you do have the floor space.give the rapido a couple of weeks to sort itself out,if not its heartbreaking but you may have to dump it.
could you start a new seed ? you do have the floor space.give the rapido a couple of weeks to sort itself out,if not its heartbreaking but you may have to dump it.
I do have more Tangelo Rapido seeds, but would prefer to wait and see what this particular plant will do.
Barney's Farm is a very reputable breeder, but I am starting to wonder why they discontinued the Tangelo Rapido... Who knows, maybe they noticed that it has troubles autoflowering and decided to terminate the strain? I hope this is not the case.
I just sent a letter to Barney's Farm customer support. Hopefully they will shed some light.
I really want this Tangelo plant to auto flower - it is so gorgeous, would be a pity if it fails to produce nugs.

On a more positive note, the Sweet Skunk is looking better by the hour and is starting to explode with flowers. Let's see whether the brown Kristalon that I fed it would enhance the flowering or will nute burn the plant. :biggrin:
It seems that the Kristalon is burning the Sweet Skunk. Spots are seen on the leaves.
I am almost sure that this is nute burn. Don't think that it is cause by some sort of infestation.
dont look to bad if its only a couple of leaves.nute burn tends to make the tips of leaves go brown.lil brown spots usually cal/mag or a shakey hand when watering.bugs tend to like the underside of leaves so check under the lil spots for sign of critters.
Alright, I waited and waited for a reply from Barney's Farm customer support and that reply never came.
So, I am just going to assume that the Tangelo Rapido is not an autofowering plant, but is a photoperiod plant instead. It has still not flowered.

In that regard, I just switched the light schedule from 18/6 to 12/12 and I will complete the whole grow under 12/12. Let's see if this will trigger flowering in the Tangelo Rapido.
It kind of sucks for the Sweet Skunk (which is a true autoflowering plant) that it will be forced to finish under 12/12, but... my options are limited here.
I hear that many people grow autoflowers under 12/12 (in their photoperiod flowering rooms), so it can't be that bad for the Sweet Skunk.

A potential problem for this 12/12 deal would be the fact that my grow box is not ligh-proof, but I will try to fix that to the best of my abilities.

Here are the two plants today - they look amazing and healthy:
both plants together.jpg

And two shots of the Sweet Skunk early flowers:
skunk flower 2.jpg
skunk flower.jpg
