Grow Mediums Sweet Seeds -Sweet Skunk- COCO- CFL noob grow journal

I would seriously look into a de-humidifier, or on the cheap short term, a humidity absorber.
Great advise from romeo on the smoking of infected bud, Ez, has it hit them yet?
If it's still early on, skim milk in a 10-15% solution may halt it... apparently the salts in milk don't make PM very happy.
:karma Cloud:, we're pullin' for ya!
Can't grow indoors here without a de-humidifier , I know this now :) .. Thanks for advice , I will wait another 48 hours and pick leaves off if I see them with mold as a I cleanse. If I don't get some Low humidity in that time I will use some milk and vinegar.
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Hey Ez! Bromeo mentioned white flies,...they breed like freaking bacteria, so a minor infestation will becomea mess if left unchecked.... at the late stage your plants are in, there's damn little to do but hunt manually, wipe leaf bottoms with alcohol or neem, and score some cheap sticky traps; these should be yellow or blue, colors that attract them,... wiping will help with the P-mildew as well, especially with neem,... removing heavily infected leaves is okay at this point too, but air movement in any mold situation is important; they thrive in still conditions! -forget about blowing the spores around, still air will worsen things, not improve them.... how cold is it in there bro'? PM is usually most active when it's cool.... Sucky thing when you can't do what best needs to be done, or control the contributing factors! ...good plan to finish ASAP,.... fight well brother, we're rooting for ya! :ama:
Seems like I have defeated the white flies, when first spotted they seem to have colonized only a few leaves with eggs and I hunted those leaves daily for about 5 days now and see no more. My temp now is 70 and humidity under 60, I don't see any new mold growing this morning but I ill do a thorough search later when watering. Ya I read somewhere the spores do fly off the infected area, but if they don't have a spot to settle and land(like an area with no air flow) they wont spread. Thanks for help. I will definitely buy Neem for my next grow...
:High 5: Way to kick some ass, mate! Big Boss Jm recommends the unrefined Neem, as it has other plant benefits as well,... just be careful with concentration, as it can burn leaves,.... another product I used this year with great results is Spinosad, well it's the active ingredient, the brand was Capt'n Jacks Dead Bug, from home depot, but there are other makers,... it's food safe, no odor, and quite effective; it's a bug-specific neurotoxin made from an odd-ball bacteria found at an abandoned rum factory! :Stones slap: How the dots got connected there,... :shrug: Cheers mate! :peace:
I've decided to chop the girl that has tighter buds, i found a few to many leaves with mold to close to the buds. I didn't cleanse but hey what can you do.. I guess my first smoke will be harsh. technically from seed it has been 64 days. I will wait as long as i can to chop my big girl. She is still so lush full of potential. Almost no mold too :D
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My big girl is doing fine.. Last night I got lucky and now the humidity is 40 and has been for 24 hours. I found a few leaves with tiny bits of mold but now THERE IS NO MOLD TO BE FOUND !! woohoo.. Here are some pics of the plant I harvested on day 67 or 64 depending on how you look at it. CAM00389.jpgCAM00402.jpgCAM00390.jpgCAM00391.jpgCAM00394.jpgCAM00396.jpgCAM00397.jpg
Get your grow space temps down in the 50s lights off and bugs/PM will slow down significantly. Works great on fungus gnats anyway...right after I spray 'em.
(Day 70) Girl is doing good, no powdery mildew anywhere. The girl I harvested a few days ago was put into brown bags, the bigger buds are still drying with the rest in a cure.
"wg's Cool" Great news Ez'! Way to grind through that battle- :d5: ....Those skunky girls look good and frosty! After a good cure, think about posting a smoke report,... the Sweet guys will appreciate it, as will we all, particularly those (like me) who are interested in growing Skunk :grin: ..... Plus, you get to show off some of that fine-ass dry-porn that everybody loves!! :brow: ...Well done Ez' :slap: