No man, well. It's gone from normally 50 to 60... Sorry is that the rh? Then its as above. She has had a 6 hour dark time for the first time.. is that why ? Normally its 20/4
yer worried about that one leaf twisting slightly?eh aint no biggie,we all get leafs that do that here n there.the cause?eh, I could take a guess but having had several of those over the past few grows Id say there is not much to worry about.PH aint gonna send it doing that unless maybe its really really off.but when lights are off or temps are low RH will rise a little,or a lot depending if youve watered the longer your lights out is,the more RH can climb till its maxes out where it wants to be.the key is temps and airflow.but with that leaf you may have air blowing on it too much or even a hot spot on the reflective surface that that leaf is facing.but either way its never given me any issues and Ive grown a few of them wierd Sun leaves imo I wouldnt sweat the one twisty leaf man."AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out" now Im guessing here but if you increased the Brix level I wonder if that would help it straighten out any...ya know the whole stronger cellulose structure deal n all.imma go read a couple pages while Im taking a break trimmin my wee plants."AFN smoke out" and in all honesty,Im sure there is a certain cause for it,but ive had a few strains do that on me and not every one either,so I think its just a small wierdness,try rotating and/or moving the fan maybe,I know Ive lightly twisted and bent it back,it'll pop right back to where its at,but its never given me any trouble.soooo,me personally I wouldnt even worry about it man.:smoke: