Sweet gelato auto looking a bit nasty... any ideas?

Jul 30, 2020
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Hello, I'm kinda new here, so please excuse any misdemeanours. I'm also pretty new to growing (this is my 4th plant) so I'm kind of feeling my way through things.

My environment is:
40 cm x 40 cm tent
Koscheal 1200W (Yeah, Right) LED Full Spectrum UV And IR light
18 / 6 light cycle
Fabric pot (my first go with these) 4 litres
Plant magic and perlite medium
Sweet Gelato Auto (sweet seeds)
17 days since sprouting
pH is low 7's, high 6's
Hard water area
No nutes yet

This seedling kind of seemed to stop growing, so I gave it some more water and it seemed to do a bit of a spurt, then I gave it a bit more (I read somewhere that it's hard to overwater with fabric pots) and a bit more. The leaves started to discolour a little in patches, but not that much. Then, yesterday the large leaves (the ones that had first developed after sprouting) started to really flake and curl from the end. They're brown at the end, but green near the stem, still.

Overwatering was suspected, so I haven't given it any water for the last 36 hours.

It has been really hot here (90 degrees F) over the last couple of days (this made me introduce a small fan in to the mix).

Sorry about the poor pictures, getting the angle in my tiny tent is a bit of a nightmare. It's the lower leaves that I'm worried about, but the newer ones don' seem too bad.

Does anyone have any idea what might be causing the lower to do this? Is this a recoverable situation?

Any input (at all) would be hugely appreciated.

Love and hugs,


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Looks like maybe the medium was a tad hot for her early. Old growth won't repair itself, so your really watching new growth to see if it's still an issue, and like you said, new growth looks good. I'd probably loose those couple low leaves.
Thanks, Arthur,

It has been roasting here of late, I'm beginning to feel like a thoroughly basted turkey.

The new growth doesn't look too bad, but there are a few areas of mild discoloration on the bigger leaves.

The light is out now, so I've been able to take some better shots. I'll leave the fan on and do what I can to keep the temperature reasonable.

Fingers crossed, hey?20200811_202405.jpg20200809_201919.jpg
High temps and / or low rH will cause plants to use more fluids... this can cause a bit of an overfeed issue sometimes on lighter feeds too... do what you can about the temps... if your on an 18/6 schedule, have the lights shut off maybe 1 pm and kick back on at 7 pm, keeps from generating heat during the hottest time.
Thanks again, Arthur.

Things don't look to have got any worse, and there's some new fresh growth which looks good. Ill give the light cycle tweak a go as well.

I'll be praying to the sun god, and the gods of green in the meantime!
So get this; My other half says to me, "if you're worried about heat, why don't you put some ice cubes on it, I saw it on [insert generic gardening program here]".

So I put a few cubes on for a few nights running and it dropped the soil temp, not as much as you'd expect, bu to a comfortable level.

I've also given it a bit more normal water and it looks like we might be getting near stretch o'clock!

I've just biotabbed to see if it will help as well, but the signs are good :)
To follow up, things are looking a lot better. You can still see the discolored leaves that were a point of concern, but the new growth is looking a lot better.

Temps have dropped from the silly temperatures that were happening here, so I think things are going to be fine moving forwards.

Thanks again for all the inputs :)


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Your upper growth looks fine, so I would just keep an eye on that and not worry about it at this point.
So it seems a bit like this is bit of an ongoing thing. Upper growth initially looks good, but then starts yellowing, curling and then browning. If you compare the photos in the post above to these ones, you'll see what I mean. There's also a seedling in another pot and the end of it's leaves are already starting to go brown.

I found the pH was a bit alkali so started balancing it with lemon juice about a week ago, but that's the only change I've made. We're also in a hard water area.

My previous 3 grows didn't have this problem, but they were done using a different soil. I'm now on plant magic which was brought online, so I'm wondering if this is making the difference either because it's a bit nutrient heavy or if it's maybe been sat in a warehouse for some time. The soil is my gut instinct so I think I might start a new one in the previous brand I used and see how that goes. These two are also my first go with fabric pots, but I don't really know if this is related.

The other thing that's crossed my mind is that the heatwave affected the whole plant that was thee a the time, but that it took a while for this to show. I'd expect to see new growth being OK if this was the case, but.. brown tips!

These photos are midway through week 6 for the larger one, and the end of week 2 for the small one (both since germination) which seems a lo slower than before (I'd normally be expecting some sign of budlets on the big one by now, but there aren't any).

If anyone has any ideas at all, I'd love to hear them.

When are you watering and how much soil looks way to wet I water every 2 or 3 days. Also only water slightly to the outside of the fan leaves makes the roots search for it and nutrients