Outdoor super skunk auto



hi im growing a super skunk auto outdoors in northern scotland and it seems to be taking ages to get going it is 16 days old and only has the 1 and 3 bladed leafs with the next set coming out is this normal? coz when i look at pics of other peoples outdoor grows they look much bigger than mine. im not using any nutes just rain water and the temp outside has been hanging around 15 degrees with limited sunshine (more cloud than anything). can anyone help put my mind at ease and tell me if im doing anything wrong. if you want pics ill put thm up. thanks for reading :)
It sounds like the environment. A lot of people start their autos inside to give them a boost. If it's cool out and overcast all the time then the plants aren't going to grow very well. What potting soil do you have them in, what nutes do you have planned? Have you checked your ph?
i started the seed off indoors until it was about 10 days old then i repotted from a 2 inch diameter pot to a 10 inch pot. the potting soil is miracle grow potting soil. i havent checked ph and i dont have any nutes planned i was just going to use rain water. the reason for not having nutes planned out and checking ph is because i already have a plant growing (started in may) which has only been fed on rain water and it seems to be doing great. it looks really healthy so i thought that if i done an auto strain it would pretty much be the same sort of idea. but the growth has been really slow. the seed suppliers state that this auto strain should be ready to harvest in 10 weeks from seed but a 2 weeks and 2 days it looks like im in for a long haul :(
Ahh, it may also be stunted from nute burn. Miracle grow is imho crap for cannabis growing. It's way to full of slow release nutes and they use cheap ingredients. Every pot must be checked for ph, just because one did well does not mean another will. The ph of rainwater can vary as well, based on pollution, where the clouds rolled in from, ect. When growing cannabis, especially autos you need to keep track of whats going on. If you stunt a photo in vege you can still recover, but an auto's vege life can be measured in a few weeks. Stunt them then and they don't recover. Growing autos is different from growing photos, here's a link to the new growers section where you can get a wealth of info on them along with help.
thanks mr piggy this link has helped alot. i am going to do more auto plants next growing season what potting compost would you say i should use? and do you know of any strains that grow well in a uk climate? also how do i check for ph levels? i have heard of putting tap water into a 2 litre bottle and leaving it in the sun for a few hours which should make the ph neutral but im not sure on this.
it may be from transplanting--they dont like it much.will slow them for a week or 2!!
i didnt realise that transplanting affected them that much lol well the plant is in her final pot now so hopefully she will pick up and i can get it to a decent size and get a decent yield from it :)