alright its been too long with out an up date. So much has happened since the last video... I cut down my 2 Onyx at day 60 and ended up coming out with 3.5oz dry, its still curing in a jar and im going to wait another day or two before i have a good taste. i got just under an oz on the smaller one and over 2oz on the larger one. I also cut down 4 SCH. 2 are great and have another day of hanging before anything else, but the other 2 just had to go. One SCH that was the same age as the other i harvested just decided not to continue with the budding process and turned completely yellow (every leaf on it) and the large 6 footer SCH got started the same thing. Since i have to move out anyways before the larger one was gunna be done i just chopped it down. I will use all of thoes buds and trimmings for hash. I made my self 2grams of bubble hash from the SCH and Onyx trimmings so far and its a great overall high and never seems to end! So right now i have 2 SCH left. 1 is the most beautiful one yet and the other is the one i topped way back. I also have 5 good size Gods Bud clones that i took a while back and they are doing so well i might have to set up a 12/12 area in my new place. Pics are posted below of what ive done so far. They take so long to upload! hope you enjoy