Indoor Super Cali Haze & Onyx from Short Stuff

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yo stitch i will be growing SCH next session and was wondering what gallon size container you recommend as the breeder?
oh and nice grow dude i cant wait to see what your yields on these beasts will be.... im gonna run a HIGHLY similar setup.
I might have missed it. What light sched are you doing?

the 3 mature sch that i have now all started on 24hrs of light for the first month. Then ever since they have been on 18/6. the larger of my sch have been on 18/6 its whole life
just got back from a weekend get away with my girlfriend. The grow room was really hot the entire time i was gone because i had to shut to door and keep it locked due to my roommate being on probation. So when i came back after 2 days there was a lot of yellow leafs that needed to be pulled off and they needed a good watering. The worst part about going away when growing is that so much can happen while your gone. Some PM showed up as well on fan leaves (mostly on the smaller Onyx) but i sprayed that today with fungicide the guy at the hydro shop suggested, hopefully thats going to be all of it! i hate PM more then anything (have never had spider mites though) I did clip a tiny nugget off a SCH though 2 days before i left and i smoked an early test of if today! I have to say it smells quite fruity and the high lasted forever. it was an early clipping though so its just going to get better in the next week or so. i will post new pics tomorrow of everything. The large Onyx is 60days old on friday so i should have some nice pics of that before she gets cut down.
nice man wicked plant
heres a new video update that i took today, its on my i-pod so i cant load it on here but heres the link

I also cut down the little Onyx today at day 55. The trichomes were more mature then the larger one plus it started to get some PM on it so i didnt want to wait another 5 days. It looks great hanging up. I will take pics tonight and post them. The larger Onyx will be 60 day on this friday so it should be coming down this weekend sometime.
Nice work duder! Those SCH's are looking uberfine :drool: I'm going to be placing an order for 5 SCH fems tomorrow and lookin at this thread reaffirms that I made the right choice. Very much looking forward to the little sativa gremlins tickling the backs of my eyeballs with their little sativa fingers.
alright its been too long with out an up date. So much has happened since the last video... I cut down my 2 Onyx at day 60 and ended up coming out with 3.5oz dry, its still curing in a jar and im going to wait another day or two before i have a good taste. i got just under an oz on the smaller one and over 2oz on the larger one. I also cut down 4 SCH. 2 are great and have another day of hanging before anything else, but the other 2 just had to go. One SCH that was the same age as the other i harvested just decided not to continue with the budding process and turned completely yellow (every leaf on it) and the large 6 footer SCH got started the same thing. Since i have to move out anyways before the larger one was gunna be done i just chopped it down. I will use all of thoes buds and trimmings for hash. I made my self 2grams of bubble hash from the SCH and Onyx trimmings so far and its a great overall high and never seems to end! So right now i have 2 SCH left. 1 is the most beautiful one yet and the other is the one i topped way back. I also have 5 good size Gods Bud clones that i took a while back and they are doing so well i might have to set up a 12/12 area in my new place. Pics are posted below of what ive done so far. They take so long to upload! hope you enjoy
i dont know whats going on with my connection but my pics are not loading at all. im waiting forever for just one and i have like 13! whats the fastest way to post pics?


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