Outdoor Super Automatic Sativa S.A.S

Hello everyone,
I hope you're having a great summer. My S.A.S is finishing up now. It is around 63 days old if I remember correctly. I could definitely harvest at this point but I'm going to push at least one more week to try and get that psychedelic soaring high out of this plant. I have nothing but kind words for these genetics. This plant is simply amazing. The pictures don't do it justice. The smell is tropical and pungent. The bud structure screams of sativa. The mold resistance is extremely high. Pest resistance is average.

I would recommend growing this plant outdoors in a 5-7 gallon pot. I only used around 3, but I can tell it's root bound and craves more soil. I would love to see this plant grown in a less harsh of climate that will really bring it to it's true potential. I always get those ugly brown pistils, partly due to the fact I have to spray a mild dish soap insect spray till early flower. I always get scared the grasshoppers will eat it to the bone. If I grow it again, I'm going to spray nothing on the plant and just let nature take it's course for better or worse.

Overall, I feel blessed that I have grown this strain. Even though it's not at it's full potential, it's an amazing plant. I could smell a strong aroma 50 feet away. When I brush up against the flowers, I can smell the complex tropical fruit spice aromas.


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