Lighting Summer giveaway

OK, I know you said a maximum three pic's, so I'm either trying to get myself disqualified, or win Honorable Mention for most creative.

Bud's in the tent smoking a fatty:


Hey that's my back yard..keep off the grass!!!!

No no, that’s my backyard and please get back on the grass. It’s much softer to sleep on and grows back, :rofl: but really @Olde School Player get bud out of the tent and smoke that fatty outside in the fresh air. The buzz is always better that way. :smoking:
Wow and double wow. So much beauty.
I'm maxed out with the 3 autocobs that put my power bill safely where it needs to be for maximum output with the needed discretion
So I'm just gonna play cheerleader. Rah rah AUTOCOBS.:jump:
Good luck everybody,
Don’t worry I won’t be choosing. I won’t even give a suggestion. It has to be an unbiased decision and I’m biased :rofl:
I’m biased too which is why I say google image search might be your friend. :rofl: Some of these are so beautiful they almost have to be a few ringers in here. I’m going to have to stop using the cell phone and dig out my DSLR for my grows in the future. :biggrin:
I've been using a 2013 tablet for pics..wish I had a good camera..No flash on this thing and what a pain in the ass it is to get a bud in position with one hand and hold a tablet with four fingers in the back of it while taking the pic with your thumb on the screen...Then trying to keep it still to minimize blur..Hold your breath the whole bit lol
I've been using a 2013 tablet for pics..wish I had a good camera..No flash on this thing and what a pain in the ass it is to get a bud in position with one hand and hold a tablet with four fingers in the back of it while taking the pic with your thumb on the screen...Then trying to keep it still to minimize blur..Hold your breath the whole bit lol
I know what you mean. Never understood why an iPad didn’t merit a flash.