New Grower Suki's Perpetual Grow-a-thon

Yes, that sounds brand new, 101 years newer than mine anyway. Maybe the doggie door is leaky enough to provide replacement air for what your exhaust blows outside. Blow some smoke at your exhaust intake once in a while and see how quick it gets sucked outside. To check chimney draft for furnaces and hot water heaters we hold a lighter flame near the opening to see if the flame gets sucked sideways toward the chimney.
I know our roof has an overhang gap that is only closed by the soffit, you can see the light through the gaps when you go up there during the day. We do also have a fireplace, and like I said there's definitely air leaks around the trim (even though the windows themselves are supposed to be energy efficient). No clue where our exhaust intake is, so that's a no go, unless you're talking about the spot where the filter is? If thats the case its right outside our bedroom door, and it has pretty good suction. We have to keep on top of the filters with all the critters and my allergies. They also completed replaced our heatpump right before we moved in as it didn't pass inspection and it was cheaper for them to replace it than it was to repair it.
Look at all that space sis. I guess you could put a couple more in there :crying:
Don't worry, the WMD will be in there soon enough. Gotta figure out where hubby "put away" my tripod, as for now the camera is on top of a bucket, which should hopefully make the angle of the shots better so I can spread things out a bit more.
Don't worry, the WMD will be in there soon enough. Gotta figure out where hubby "put away" my tripod, as for now the camera is on top of a bucket, which should hopefully make the angle of the shots better so I can spread things out a bit more.
Hey sis,

Maybe have a search for a Monkey pod? You can wrap them legs around the tentpoles at any position giving you more freedom then with a clunky tripod...:thumbsup:
Hey sis,

Maybe have a search for a Monkey pod? You can wrap them legs around the tentpoles at any position giving you more freedom then with a clunky tripod...:thumbsup:
No tent pole in the center though lol. And with the lack of zoom function or automatic rotation like the other cam has I'm at the mercy of the lens depth, and the rectangular shape of the field of view. Found a tripod, not mine, but it works for now. Better than having it balanced on a box, atop a bucket, atop a fan :rofl:

Screenshot_20211130-141346_aTLi Cam.jpg