New Grower Suki's Perpetual Grow-a-thon

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I think I did this right? Lol idk I've never had any interest in scrogging so this is new to me, but I really didn't know how else to deal with her lol. She looks rather sad here, I was waiting to water till I got her tied down and though I wanted to get it done Friday it just didn't happen so she had to wait till last night and she doth protest too much :rofl: its done now though and she's perked up a ton today so I think we're getting somewhere now. Took everything from the bottom half yesterday and will let her fill in a bit more before flipping her to 12/12, then remove a bit more. You can see in this pic pretty clearly how the top left corner is the side that was in the corner of the tent and thus getting the least light, while the front left was getting plenty of light and remained slightly more squat.
Forgot to mention here! Prior to watering I gave her a hearty topdress of 1/4c 4-4-4, 1/4c 4-8-4, and 1/2c Kelp Meal that I had "preheated" by inoculating with an ounce or so of labs and enough water to moisten through and left covered to sit in the tent for a few days. The mixture had a nice layer of fuzz on top when I opened the lid. I pulled the Timothy hay back from around her trunk to apply it and was pleased to see that all but the top inch or so had pretty well been broken down by the worms and microbes. Made a nice little mound around her expanding about 4" out from her trunk all the way around and then replaced the hay. That was followed by a gallon of water treated with the below after some guidance from @GreenLifeBiotics. I don't believe she currently has any deficiencies however she has been in the same 10gal of living soil for nearly 4 months and with as big as she is I would assume she has used up quite a bit of what is in her pot. The breakdown of the Timothy hay does provide a small slow release of nitrogen, and so will the aforementioned topdressing, but since I will be flipping her sooner than later I wanted to make sure she does not run out of nitrogen in transition. The GLB Fish (5-1-2) Tony provided is a slow-ish release per our conversation in the testing thread, while the amino acids in the Roots2Shoots is a more readily available source of nitrogen.

Enhance MC Kelp - .5ml/gal
GLB Roots2Shoots - 1ml/gal
Liquid Organic Matter - 1ml/gal
GLB Fish 5-1-2 - 1ml/gal

The LOM is typically not used during veg however due to her size in relation to her media volume I felt it prudent to include it in the mix for the sake of its ability to increase the water holding capability of the soil.
Day 103 - Bruce Banner

She's perked up considerably since Saturday! @Death The Cultivator this is my first scrog and I'm clueless lol. You can see the center and top left quadrant are all fairly thin still. I'm of the inclination to let her veg just a bit more before flipping but figured I should ask someone who knows more than I do lmao. Mostly curious how long I should go before switching to 12/12.