Stupid PPM question?

Jul 8, 2021
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Currently Smoking
Hell hound, Durban Poison
So im somewhat new to growing and am trying to figure out the whole PPM deal. Im in soil and usually i dont start feeding untill flower. So heres the question say in my regular watering's without nutes the PPM readings come out low in my water what do i add to increase my PPM's, nutes? Like if im low all the time do i add nutes to every watering? I realize if im high in PPM's all the time my water source needs to change right? Any help would be appreciated, P.S. i was dropped on my head a few times as a baby so sorry if these are stupid questions. Happy Growing friends JD....
Hey buddy,

If your soil is loaded enough with nutrients then only water is fine.
If you want to raise your ppm, then adding nutrients to the solution will make the ppm rise.
If your tap water is high in ppm (250 or more) then you should be looking out for another source of water, maybe dilute it with osmose water?


Bob :toke:
Another question if i could. If i was to use lets say coco without nutrients already in it, and my water ppm was low would i have to add nutes every watering to raise my PPM's to an acceptable level?
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Another question if i could. If i was to use lets say coco without nutrients already in it, and my water ppm was low would i have to add nutes every watering to raise my PPM's to an acceptable level?
In the case of coco (or coco + perlite), since the medium doesn't have any in-built nutrients, you will have to add nutes to every feeding/watering session.