Sts.. Is it ok?

Lmao! Mission accomplished! Just a good feeling to be able to have done this! Hugest learning curve yet! Now I'm just excited next batch of seeds will be all FEMs so I can start concentrating on my med supply, thanks everyone from the bottom of my heart! Never would of been able to it with out a of yours guys help! I am so happy! :dance: now I just need some females to hit... Now we can put this to sleep... Mod close threAd... Lol!
Sending out good karma clouds to you all!
Peace and Love
Close the thread schmoze the thread--we still get the gratuitous shot of brown pistulas and ripening seeds- or are you shooting blanks?
What do you mean by a shot of ripening seeds? Just one of the plants is seeded but none matured and none are maturing the other healthier looking is not seeded... Those are all balls... Some shooting blanks others not....
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You pregnant calyxes, the pistulas turn brown and wither in less than a day. Your seeds will start to show in just a few days. I was joking but others ( members who got their first reversal) have celebrated the fact in the past by posting a shot showing the pistulas wilting as proof the pollen is viable pollen weeks before the seeds drop.
congrats on the reversal brother yoda! i guess the final test now is to see if the pollen is viable and produces seeds :crosses fingers: :wiz:

hope your project turns out successful bro -- im looking forward to starting mine. :dance:
View attachment 194037
View attachment 194038
I believe this is a Magic Dragon x PJEM, I've been rubbing the durrty dragons reversed sacks with my fingers an touching the pistils hopefully hand pollenating it... Does it look like it took? Am I in store for some of my own fem feeds?
Hi Yoda,

first of all congrats with the reversal! did a good job there. Let's hope that these things will be able to get that bitches pregnant! :rolleyes:
I've got a question, that wasn't fully clear to me when reading through.

Which solution of sts and dilution did you use? And how many times did you spray?

