New Grower Strawberry Highs


Cultivators Club
Jan 28, 2021
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Zkittlez OG
Hello peoples
here we go again then, hope you are all well n good, this is the start of my full journal this time and 2nd grow, gotta be 6/8 weeks since finishing my 1st plant, I’ve been itching to get back to it with another grow, . I went to insulate my loft and noticed some dodgy rafters, which turned out to be very heavily split, got some roofers in for that, but it meant I had to dismantle and pack down my entire grow from the loft into my bedroom, being in the uk I’m not taking any chances, so when they finished in my loft I went back up and insulated my roof in 40degree heat, rock wool sweat isn’t the best lol then I cored out two 4 inch holes in my wall, attached a fan to one hole , so I now have a direct air supply from outside into my loft or straight into tent if it’s a hot day, and the other hole is for exhaust. Job done. Now to get everything back in the loft and set up once again. Job done. These changes have given my loft a much better environment which reflects inside the tent massively, I can keep my temps down on a hot day and there much more stable through the day,not to sure if pollen will be an issue drawing air in from outside, we shall see.
So on with the show, same set up as before, 2 five gallon root pouches, eco thrive lite coco, 70/30 perlite and full line of canna nutes.
ive chosen to grow strawberry pie this time from fastbuds. Same led, my little Trojan viparspectra p2000
Off they go

The usual damp paper towel no pre soak of beans, in a tub on top of fridge, hey presto , works every time. 30 hours later B-BOOM


would of liked them a bit longer but a little something called earning a living got in the way , how rude. Lol so I went ahead and potted them.

“mission control we have lift off” DAY ONE .
Nice that they both came up together, bonus .
Last grow I probably let my coco get too dry in the first 2 weeks so this time round I pre rinsed/soaked my coco with 5 litres of 50/50 tap water and bottled water some cal mag and rhiztonic also added. Each pot gave me 1 1/2 litre run off, I let the pots sit in the tent with lights and fans running, obviously I didn’t want wet coco for seedlings, neither do I want dry coco while waiting for a mature enough plant to fully water, who knows if this will work I may slow down root growth by having damp coco, but all seems good so far.
looking Forward to this grow with what I’ve learnt from my first attempt, ec and ppm ect will be much more consistent, and now more control of my environment. My starting water is 0.5 so I’m gonna continue to cut it 50/50 with bottled water for the entire grow, this takes my start to 0.3, a lot more manageable. And I’m generally feeling a Lot more comfortable with this grow.
I only ended up with one plant last time, so far both are surviving this time and I’m planning on topping and scrogging this time round, more new stuff to learn, could get interesting.
well thanks peeps, it’s good to be growing again and back in the game. Stay safe and stay tuned for more Strawberry Highs.
The Sherrif
Strawberry Pie - fast buds - week one
Hi peoples and welcome .
Week One , done . Pretty straight forward for week one , both girls have been getting a few squirts a day with ph water to 5.9 to start with, a pinch of calmag and some rhiz. Average temp 24c humidity 65/70% and lashings of co2 directly from outside. I’ve dropped my light and turned up the dimmer from the manufactures recommendation, just pushing them on a bit, they both seem very happy so far and my lights have been on constantly all week and I won’t have lights out for another 3 or 4 days, then it will be 20/4 until chop. That’s pretty much it for now peeps, a nice stress free week in the tent and my new loft upgrades are really making a difference, week 2 , bring it on. Cheers peeps and come back for more strawberry highs.......
Week One- say hello to my two girls.


Strawberry pie - fast buds - week two

hi peoples, welcome back, week 2 of my 2nd grow, not a bad week in the tent, my environment is quite stable for now.
Both girls seem to be moving along nicely, one is slightly bigger right now and so far both getting the same treatment until they tell me otherwise, ppm,s are now at 500 and they get a couple of small drinks a day, still no lights out yet but will go 20/4 somewhen over the weekend. On the downside I have noticed some algae on my perlite, few options there. And I’ve noticed some light yellowing spots on leaves already so I’ve added a touch more calmag to their dinner, see if that helps, overall another steady week in the tent, onwards and upwards. I do enjoy the veg stage of growing an auto especially those first three weeks with all that exponential growth, its my favourite part. Cheers to those of you that stopped by, please come back for more strawberry highs.

My girls - week two
Strawberry pie - fast buds - week two

hi peoples, welcome back, week 2 of my 2nd grow, not a bad week in the tent, my environment is quite stable for now.
Both girls seem to be moving along nicely, one is slightly bigger right now and so far both getting the same treatment until they tell me otherwise, ppm,s are now at 500 and they get a couple of small drinks a day, still no lights out yet but will go 20/4 somewhen over the weekend. On the downside I have noticed some algae on my perlite, few options there. And I’ve noticed some light yellowing spots on leaves already so I’ve added a touch more calmag to their dinner, see if that helps, overall another steady week in the tent, onwards and upwards. I do enjoy the veg stage of growing an auto especially those first three weeks with all that exponential growth, its my favourite part. Cheers to those of you that stopped by, please come back for more strawberry highs.

My girls - week two
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I love when the growth explosion starts! Never ceases to amaze me how quickly they grow up :woohoo:
Topping dilemma
strawberry pie- fast buds

hi peoples @Autobeast
not like me to sway from my weekly update, but a little bit of advice and reassurance would be good right now. I said I was going top and scrog with this grow, and I kind of think I still want to go this way, I was hoping to top my first plants at around the three week mark, but only 2 weeks and 3 days in and she’s just about ready to go. Yikes. I just need a little bit more stem for the snip, and I would say that’s tomorrow, was not expecting it so soon and it’s kind of giving me cold feet, it seems like a lot of plant to snip away lol
strawberry pie - DAY 17

Had my leds up so she looks a bit hungry, but she’s actually very healthy and lush, she,s definitely healthy enough to be topped, it’s just wether I’m brave enough to do it.
She also has a sister which is slightly smaller right now , maybe 2 days behind , I was hoping to top her aswell.Is there a problem topping plants at different times before the netting goes in.
Any hints n tips. Do,s and dont,s appreciated on this one.
cheers peoples
The Sheriff
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You live and learn. Go for it, fortune favours the brave!!. Only done two myself and I like the shape it gives. Not sure if I got more weight or not. Those that have more experience may be able to help?

Good luck!!

Topping dilemma
strawberry pie- fast buds

hi peoples
not like me to sway from my weekly update, but a little bit of advice and reassurance would be good right now. I said I was going top and scrog with this grow, and I kind of think I still want to go this way, I was hoping to top my first plants at around the three week mark, but only 2 weeks and 3 days in and she’s just about ready to go. Yikes. I just need a little bit more stem for the snip, and I would say that’s tomorrow, was not expecting it so soon and it’s kind of giving me cold feet, it seems like a lot of plant to snip away lol
strawberry pie - DAY 17
View attachment 1356090
Had my leds up so she looks a bit hungry, but she’s actually very healthy and lush, she,s definitely healthy enough to be topped, it’s just wether I’m brave enough to do it.
She also has a sister which is slightly smaller right now , maybe 2 days behind , I was hoping to top her aswell.Is there a problem topping plants at different times before the netting goes in.
Any hints n tips. Do,s and dont,s appreciated on this one.
cheers peoples
The Sheriff
I usually top but am trying hard not to this time round as I want to see how she grows out naturally.

You’ll get a bushier lady but with some added lst you can keep her level and spread out. Go for it mate:smoking: