You just want the Reservoir to be full of water by the time the roots reach down there. Very early on it doesn't matter as much. But once the roots are established More frequent waterings in coco or hempy buckets will almost always be better. It's a hydroponic medium.
Great. Yeah the roots have most def reached the res. I could see the roots snaking around behind the drain hole within a week of them being moved into the 10L pots, and that was two weeks ago. When I first moved them into the big hempys and watered them in to fill the res I was sure I saw signs of overwatering. This made me wary of overwatering since then. Looking back I think the puffy droopy overwatered looking leaves were just root stress from the transplant and the torrent of water poured over them that was needed to saturate the medium and fill the res + run off.
One of the appeals for me of switching to hempys+synthetics from soil+organics was the fast response for fixing issues, I was sick of chasing my own tail with organics, waiting weeks to see if that feed/amendment I just gave them made a difference. I guess it's a double edged sword though, as this issue rose up out of the blue faster than any issues I've had with organics, which were always more like a slow, gradual steamroller.