Fast Buds Stormtrooper Grow #1 - Fast Buds Six Shooter

You fill me full of confidence @Stormtrooper :eek1:
I kinda guessed i was going to be having trouble in the colder months. I have planned on breaking down in Jan and doing a re build with boxing the tents in a fame with kingspan and an outre casing. With running my intake off the house, all ducting insulated and heaters I was hope that might do the job but It looks like its going to be a wait and see effort.
Was that another doom and gloom daily mail head line, I'm sure they said the same thing last year... If we get snow I'm cool with it, should help insulated the loft from the top ;)

Ha, I think it was the Daily Mail actually! lol

That sounds like a good plan and I should have added that I have no doubt it can be done. An insulated box is definitely the way to go and running the intake from the house is an excellent idea! I guess it's just too much like hard work for me :lol:
Aw shit were in for a cold one to be honest up in Scotland it's dark at 4 o'clock now and icy in the morning so I can see it being true

I was in Scotland at the weekend and to be honest, I think the weather at home is worse at the moment :sadcry:

Who would have thought anywhere would be having worse weather than Scotland??? :mrgreen: lol
Was going to do this in my tent, but even up here in the frozen north (UK) my oil filled radiator does the job.

The drawback is it needs at least a foot clearance around it otherwise it burns the foliage to a crisp.

Having a lot of trouble with this at the moment, a 120x120x200 tent and four big autos...

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I had a fan heater that I used one year that was doing a decent job. It was mounted inside the tent and aimed up to avoid the plants.

All was good until the day it fell over and ended up pointed directly at one of the plants. Burnt half of it to a crisp :rolleyes1:
Looking good man. I've got one of those Pineapple Express going too and she got real big. Watching your grow :smoking:

Thanks man although I only wish it was going well. I've never gotten off to such a shit start! I checked on them briefly this morning (first time since Thursday evening) and the recovery seems to have stalled at some point over the weekend. I'll get an update up later today so you can see what I'm talking about.
Thats good to hear that your oil rad does the job in that size tent even though your battling crispy leaves, thats given me confidence as my tent is only 80x80x160.
I've made a hot box for my rad that sits on the out side of my tent with the intake air flowing through heating it up, could be an idea for you to help with those crispy leaves... there are pics in my journal.

Link to your journal? I'd be very interested to see this contraption.

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I had a fan heater that I used one year that was doing a decent job. It was mounted inside the tent and aimed up to avoid the plants.

All was good until the day it fell over and ended up pointed directly at one of the plants. Burnt half of it to a crisp :rolleyes1:

Aye I was thinking about a fan heater, but they cost a mint to run so I settled for the oil rad.

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Day 15 Update

I was away at the weekend and had hoped to come back to four healthier six-shooters but that wasn't to be the case :sadcry:






New growth over the weekend has been very slow at best and the paleness is affecting all of them now. At this stage it is 100% for me that I have got a dodgy batch of soil and to be honest, I don't have a solution to this. I'm starting to really doubt that there is any point in continuing any further with them...

DAY 15

But given they aren't really taking up space that I need for anything else right now, I may as well let them run for now. I've never lost a seedling before (except the one when I first tried DWC :eek1: and maybe a few others through some stoned gardening :eek1::smoker1::eek1:) so we'll give them a reprieve... for now! :tang:

Overall this is not how you want your growing career at a new forum to start! So I've adopted a three step approach to try and redeem my reputation before the end of this post...

Step One


Some of you might have noticed the pot in the bottom corner. I decided last week as a back up plan that I would order and germ up another six shooter seed. She spent the best part of today soaking and has gone into the remainder of the soil batch from the Heavyweight Fast and Vast so we should have no soil issues this time.

Step Two

I thought I'd share a pic of my roughly four week old Heavyweight Seeds Vast and Fast, just to prove something is actually growing in my tent :mrgreen: I've been tying her down and bending her over to keep her low so she can stay in the DS90 under the 600w for as long as possible. She showed sex late last week and is pushing on nicely now. Since it's likely she'll see out her days in the DS90 now and since @Slater is following her progress, I've started a new thread for her here (I don't want to be posting a non Fast Buds grow in the Fast Buds forum).

Step Three

This is a picture of one of my favourite colas from the unknown strain I finally chopped today. My 90+ day Sweet Seeds Sweet Skunk Auto and my Unknown Auto are down at last so I thought I'd share :thumbsup: She has been great to grow and despite the roasting during the hot weather, she put out a pretty nice yield.

Her colours are amazing, the buds are almost a dark purple. I've been checking her trich's for a few weeks now and they were this incredible blood red colour :eek1: And she absolutely stinks! I wish i could find out what strain she is as I would definitely grow her again. She just had her first trim and is now hanging up to dry.

So hopefully now my reputation is somewhat restored :mrgreen: we'll be underway again (SS#5 - A New Hope) less the soil problems within a few days.

Any comments, advice or whatever is welcomed :biggrin:

--- Stormtrooper ---​
I was in Scotland at the weekend and to be honest, I think the weather at home is worse at the moment :sadcry:

Who would have thought anywhere would be having worse weather than Scotland??? :mrgreen: lol
Yeah it's been nice yesterday and today but temps are a little cold sitting around 5_9 c