Fast Buds Stormtrooper Grow #1 - Fast Buds Six Shooter

Day 7 Update

Things have gotten off to a pretty disappointing start if I'm honest. The cold weather I mentioned in my first post, the same weather I thought was a few weeks away arrived on the same day I made that post. Temps got down as low as 13 degrees during lights off and my attempts to heat the area mostly failed so I made the decision just before the weekend to run things 24/0, at least for now anyway.

But that wasn't the only problem over the last seven days. I noticed on Friday that a few of the seedlings looked a bit pale with droopy leaves. Unfortunately I had family staying at the weekend and despite my best efforts, I could not get near my tent. The family finally fucked off on Sunday evening and when I checked on them, the situation was much the same. The affected seedlings had shown little growth since Friday and the paleness was still there.


SS#1 Top


SS#3 Top


SS#4 Top

After a lot of fucking about inside my tent, an argument with Mrs Stormtrooper about why I was spending the entire evening inside my tent followed by a bowl of some fine West Coast OG and some angry make-up sex, I came to the conclusion that I have no idea what is wrong with them. I haven't had a problem seedling in a while and I've spent all day trying to figure it out.

Reasoning it out, it can't be over or under watering as I would know if I done either. They had been watered once in the past week and even then it was just enough to wet the top few inches of soil. The only thing they have been fed so far is a little Superthrive which has never been a problem before. The temps were a little off over the weekend as it was especially cold here and I couldn't get near them to make any adjustments but had been fine before (minus the lights off temps). And strangely the problem isn't affecting all of them as SS#2 is doing great.


SS#2 Top

She is showing no signs of the stress the others are experiencing which helps me rule out a soil issue as it all came from the same batch. And I can rule out any strain specific problems as the Pineapple Express (which was germed and broke soil at the same time) seems to be suffering most of all.


PE Top

After all that the most logical conclusion is the lights off temps has has a negative effect and the temps and RH being off over the weekend hasn't allowed them to fully recover yet. But we are running 24/0 now and conditions are ideal again so I've decided that the best thing I can do is just ride it out. I'm pretty sure today I saw a bit of new growth from most of them so I can only hope that they will soon grow out of whatever the paleness issue is and start playing catch-up!

And in other news, it looks like I'll be stuck with the Heavyweight V&F that I had started for my mate. He reckons he won't get near it during December so he told me just to pull it. There's no way I could do that so I started training her and she will go into the Stormtrooper Academy (also known as my other tent) once my current crop finishes (Day 78 & 79 of 70 and still not ready).

And that's it for now. Any comments, advice on what else it could be that is wrong, praise or even criticism is welcomed :biggrin:

--- Stormtrooper ---​
What temps are you running at 24/0? They should pull through no problem just keep feeding them and keep the temps up as high as possible.
Subbing up dude. Especially looking forward to seeing how that vast and fast go's. Just won my self 10 of them in a giver away at seed city, as they where free they shall be my next eban to learn on .
I know what you mean with battling temps (I chose a really good time to learn to grow), my grow is in the loft, I under stand why you would shut down for the winter. I've manged to insulate my tents and got a tube heater in one and hot box made up for a mini oil rad connected to both. So far so good got my temps have balanced out between 21-25c. Mind you I have had a couple of drops below 18c when i didn't raise the temp on the oil rad at night.

Loving the journal so far dude, this is going to be a good read...:slap:
What temps are you running at 24/0? They should pull through no problem just keep feeding them and keep the temps up as high as possible.

Temps are between 25.4 and 26.7 for the most part. They were fed yesterday so hopefully they'll start pushing on now.

Cheers for the input!
Subbing up dude. Especially looking forward to seeing how that vast and fast go's. Just won my self 10 of them in a giver away at seed city, as they where free they shall be my next eban to learn on .
I know what you mean with battling temps (I chose a really good time to learn to grow), my grow is in the loft, I under stand why you would shut down for the winter. I've manged to insulate my tents and got a tube heater in one and hot box made up for a mini oil rad connected to both. So far so good got my temps have balanced out between 21-25c. Mind you I have had a couple of drops below 18c when i didn't raise the temp on the oil rad at night.

Loving the journal so far dude, this is going to be a good read...:slap:

Thanks man :thumbsup:

I also grow in the loft and to be honest, it is one of the biggest ballaches ever! Too hot in the summer, too cold in the winter. That is why I have a growing season, usually March til October. The summer heat can be dealt for the most part but winter is something else. I've tried everything you could think of, insulation, heaters and all sorts of crazy other shit to keep the temps up.

I remember the last time I was running in winter and I had a few plants late in flower who had been under 20/4 the entire run. It was probably mid November and the temps had been mild enough until they suddenly dropped and those 4 hours of lights off became the bane of my existence! I spent hundreds of pounds trying to battle the tents, bought a massive duvet to cover the tent with, had a tube heater in each corner of the heat, had a heater mounted at the front and back of the tent. All in it bought me 5 degrees! Worst part was I needed 9 to just get myself back to the lowest end of acceptable :sadcry:

In the end I came to the conclusion that I best grow like fuck during the other three seasons, stock up for the winter and and shut the tent down after the autumn harvest. I haven't had a chance to read through your diary yet but it looks like your winning the battle so far :thumbsup: Although what the forecasters reckon is ahead is scary....

BRITAIN is facing the heaviest snowfalls in years this winter as the country's first icy blast arrives in SIX WEEKS unleashing FOUR MONTHS of heavy snow and sub-zero temperatures, forecasters have announced.

I'm not sure even my 600w HPS will cope with that :sadcry: Time to dig out the tubes and that old duvet I think.

Thanks again for the rep!
Thanks man :thumbsup:

I also grow in the loft and to be honest, it is one of the biggest ballaches ever! Too hot in the summer, too cold in the winter. That is why I have a growing season, usually March til October. The summer heat can be dealt for the most part but winter is something else. I've tried everything you could think of, insulation, heaters and all sorts of crazy other shit to keep the temps up.

I remember the last time I was running in winter and I had a few plants late in flower who had been under 20/4 the entire run. It was probably mid November and the temps had been mild enough until they suddenly dropped and those 4 hours of lights off became the bane of my existence! I spent hundreds of pounds trying to battle the tents, bought a massive duvet to cover the tent with, had a tube heater in each corner of the heat, had a heater mounted at the front and back of the tent. All in it bought me 5 degrees! Worst part was I needed 9 to just get myself back to the lowest end of acceptable :sadcry:

In the end I came to the conclusion that I best grow like fuck during the other three seasons, stock up for the winter and and shut the tent down after the autumn harvest. I haven't had a chance to read through your diary yet but it looks like your winning the battle so far :thumbsup: Although what the forecasters reckon is ahead is scary....

I'm not sure even my 600w HPS will cope with that :sadcry: Time to dig out the tubes and that old duvet I think.

Thanks again for the rep!

You fill me full of confidence @Stormtrooper :eek1:
I kinda guessed i was going to be having trouble in the colder months. I have planned on breaking down in Jan and doing a re build with boxing the tents in a fame with kingspan and an outre casing. With running my intake off the house, all ducting insulated and heaters I was hope that might do the job but It looks like its going to be a wait and see effort.
Was that another doom and gloom daily mail head line, I'm sure they said the same thing last year... If we get snow I'm cool with it, should help insulated the loft from the top ;)
The issue is a bit of an odd one and to be honest, I'm not totally convinced that temps during lights out is to blame. Haven given it more thought I'm thinking it's probably more likely something with the soil that hasn't just been quite right. I was trying a different ratio in my mix this time round and I didn't get as much time as usual to prepare it so maybe something was off here?

Whatever the reason they look a bit happier today and are starting to get going now :thumbsup:
Could be then glad to here there picking up now
Thanks man :thumbsup:

I also grow in the loft and to be honest, it is one of the biggest ballaches ever! Too hot in the summer, too cold in the winter. That is why I have a growing season, usually March til October. The summer heat can be dealt for the most part but winter is something else. I've tried everything you could think of, insulation, heaters and all sorts of crazy other shit to keep the temps up.

I remember the last time I was running in winter and I had a few plants late in flower who had been under 20/4 the entire run. It was probably mid November and the temps had been mild enough until they suddenly dropped and those 4 hours of lights off became the bane of my existence! I spent hundreds of pounds trying to battle the tents, bought a massive duvet to cover the tent with, had a tube heater in each corner of the heat, had a heater mounted at the front and back of the tent. All in it bought me 5 degrees! Worst part was I needed 9 to just get myself back to the lowest end of acceptable :sadcry:

In the end I came to the conclusion that I best grow like fuck during the other three seasons, stock up for the winter and and shut the tent down after the autumn harvest. I haven't had a chance to read through your diary yet but it looks like your winning the battle so far :thumbsup: Although what the forecasters reckon is ahead is scary....

I'm not sure even my 600w HPS will cope with that :sadcry: Time to dig out the tubes and that old duvet I think.

Thanks again for the rep!
Aw shit were in for a cold one to be honest up in Scotland it's dark at 4 o'clock now and icy in the morning so I can see it being true
You fill me full of confidence @Stormtrooper :eek1:
I kinda guessed i was going to be having trouble in the colder months. I have planned on breaking down in Jan and doing a re build with boxing the tents in a fame with kingspan and an outre casing. With running my intake off the house, all ducting insulated and heaters I was hope that might do the job but It looks like its going to be a wait and see effort.
Was that another doom and gloom daily mail head line, I'm sure they said the same thing last year... If we get snow I'm cool with it, should help insulated the loft from the top ;)

Was going to do this in my tent, but even up here in the frozen north (UK) my oil filled radiator does the job.

The drawback is it needs at least a foot clearance around it otherwise it burns the foliage to a crisp.

Having a lot of trouble with this at the moment, a 120x120x200 tent and four big autos...

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Was going to do this in my tent, but even up here in the frozen north (UK) my oil filled radiator does the job.

The drawback is it needs at least a foot clearance around it otherwise it burns the foliage to a crisp.

Having a lot of trouble with this at the moment, a 120x120x200 tent and four big autos...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thats good to hear that your oil rad does the job in that size tent even though your battling crispy leaves, thats given me confidence as my tent is only 80x80x160.
I've made a hot box for my rad that sits on the out side of my tent with the intake air flowing through heating it up, could be an idea for you to help with those crispy leaves... there are pics in my journal.