New Grower Stoned Noob 3rd attempt auto micro run

Just a recommendation, we see more grows in the infirmary from runs in coco that have been amended with soil nutes. Soil and coco are 2 different animals and really require 2 different approaches.
If your having problems, stick with what has been proven.
While there are a few that seem to get it to kinda work, the vast majority of plants, even those that run with minimal issues tend to be small and sickly.
(Have yet to see one of these runs that would be considered "cost effective" when it comes to weight+quality.)

Nice thing about treating coco as a hydro medium is if you hit issues, you just flush it out, mix up a new batch of feed at the right numbers and your off. If you can overwater coco, (coco/perlite), I'll buy your next seeds! Have friends that feed every 6 hrs in coco... when I run coco I keep feeds to once a day if possible, but usually end up with feeding every 12 hrs by the end of flower.

Have always seen it as soil is your natural bodybuilder, coco is lifting on steroids, you push push push, maybe push a little more.
Fair enough in the future I’ll try peat moss instead of coco. Thanks for your considerations and comment cause I also wanna try hydro style in plain coco. And that tip about how to lightly score the seeds before planting is exactly what I needed I appreciate it !
Fair enough in the future I’ll try peat moss instead of coco. Thanks for your considerations and comment cause I also wanna try hydro style in plain coco. And that tip about how to lightly score the seeds before planting is exactly what I needed I appreciate it !

There's a thread on here somewhere that a few guys are running like this (amended coco), you might try the search feature and see if you can find it. Might find something in it that'll help you along the way. Most of the runs I see grown like this are from fairly new growers trying to follow Mr Canucks methods on YT.
It would at least be worth a peek.