Hi Prez! You didn't miss much! LOL That sucked so bad, that day I had to take them down. Oh well.
No, I haven't started my new Sweet Seeds run yet. I had to re-plan everything since we had some real chaos going on here throughout the whole summer. Now my plan is to get everything up and running right after New Years. I'll have to see how the new job schedule (starting in December) allows, though. I'll be working more hours and all kinds of wacky shifts... Shouldn't be a (grow)problem though. We'll see.
Right now I have my tent set up and have some jungle vines(B. Caapi) and some Chacruna growing very nicely with a 200w cfl and lots of humidity, and some Bodhi Tree seeds (harvested April '13) that I hope will germinate for me. Between those plants and seeds and all the other cool stuff going on in the windowsills throughout the whole house, my Grow Itch is being salved quite nicely.
Among other cool green things, I have this lovely Java Patchouli babe flowering nicely...
Smells wonderful! But her smell is more subtle than her Indian sister, who smells much stronger, but isn't as pretty.
Anyway, that Resin Fruit sounds like a winner. :thumbs: Big Green Vibes for that project, my friend! :karma Cloud:
Much Love to you and the family! :hug: :smokebuds: