Outdoor Stinky7gBudz UK Organic Outdoor Short Stuff Purple Amnesia and Short Stuff Mix Pack

Jun 4, 2015
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Hey guys!

So this is technically my second grow of my first season! My first of of tester autos are 4 weeks or so from done along with some photos I put out 8 weeks ago but that plot is a bit harder to check they are all looking good slight yellowing off the tips and edges off new growth I havent given them nutes but they had a couple handfuls of homemade horse manure about 6_8 years rotted, seems to be getting better might flush them a bit though. Enough about them back to the diary.

https://www.autoflower.org/index.ph...r-how-are-my-girls-looking.43563/#post-845546 here's the link to my testers so you can see the results of my bizarre soil mix at the moment.

So today iv germed the three short stuff mix pack seeds and tomorrow ill do the purples.

So my soil mixes are going to be interesting to some I think, now I'm really pro organic and pretty green fingered anyway! I have everything from tomatoes, strawberries, aubergine ( which I don't actually like ), pak choi to Indian bean trees. So I know the earth I'm growing in well I don't use anything chemical, the closest ill get is slug pellets and only stuff I can use on edibles and not dusty. All that being said I still need your guys help cause this plant is something unto itself.

Germed the 3 SS mixes in paper towel today

So the soil mix and seedling stage;

The main mix I'm using is slightly adjusted from my testers which aren't finished yet but I want the prime Sun for these plants lives. So;

40 percent Native earth- clay Loam, more Loam natural ph of about 6.5/6.8 varying.
5 percent/ 1 handful- horse manure well rotted
30 percent- organic homemade compost similar to coco fir but with more of a soily nature
10 percent perlite
10 percent boiled stones/pebbles
5 percent/1 handful organic erroneous plant compost topsoil.

Seedlings; there going Into a light multi purpose mix for young plants I get from a friend it's nice light airy totally organic retains moisture well but drys out as well.

First and only transplant into 7-10 gallon tubs which will be dug into surface level earth with a cage for pesky theives.
For pest control I'm still thinking my slug pellets they worked well after I put them out was hoping to escape them but they even crawled over copper tape. I might use a spray on pest repellent I want to make myself, on my other plants I use a mix from American Spirit tobacco which is additive free so hopefully that into a spray would be okay ?

Attached are a pic of my nutes I plan on using anyone got suggestions on a feeding schedule for them ? Armanidog suggested I start off with the grow at quarter strength cause it's high in nitrogen, then move to the bloom in later flowering. I think that sounds good to me when should I use the mass booster though? Those extra sugars seem like big resinous buds to me.

So the site says 8-9 weeks so ill give 10-12 weeks I think as a rough timeline, I'm really looking forward to these and so far for my first season things are going well, fingers crossed.

There's my game plan let me know what you think guys. Peace.


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So not much of an update but it was pretty funny, went to check my beans which are in a drawer with its back on a radiator had two sets in there and forgot I hadn't popped the APA yet so picked up the first set 3 beans one split yay. Picked up the second opened it, bone dry with one bean. Started wigging out. Then 30mins later found the pack with the 5 apa in it realised the one bean must have been from the previous set I Germed hahaha
Update not much to take pictures of yet but germination rates are in!

3/3 short stuff mix germd (my friend germd 10/10 as well) for a mix pack these seem very reliable.

Now 4/5 of the APA and very slow to pop out the soil 7 days and the seeds are just pushing up. All the short mix have there solar panels.

So im a lil sceptical just on the time it's taken so far.
Update 1. So after a disappointing start I now have 2 apa left 1 never popped and 2 di3d from low night temps. All 3 short seed mixes are grown-up my well. Not much to see but here is my propagator containing 13 short stuff mix 2 apa and the rest are short stuff super auto super stinky. The game begins! These are not all my seedlings just most off. Couldnt fit them all in there. Or then second propagator....


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Hey guys!

So we have had a couple casualties down the line... but the short seed mix is still 13/13. 3/5 APA and I think only 12/20 of the SS which is a damn shame, cold night temps a few nights ago claimed 4 and that blistering Sun yesterday cooked a few but they should recover. there meant to be the bigguns so I'm kinda annoyed I guess it's the downside of a proper guerrilla grow, not being able to check them everyday.

Buds out !
Cheers buddy well put half out in the ground unfortunately I couldn't get them far apart from each other due to stealth but I only put out the short stuffs mix so the SS's will go in individual holes and bigguns too. Dug it nice and deep were I couldn't get wide.

So we will see we will see.
Well another brief update basically been a disaster these guys through no fault of there own, all currently about two foot high lovely looking bud just about 3GS a plant. The neighbouring feild to their little plot is horses and one broke through the fence and ran through them so unfortunately a few died and I think the others are severely stunted. Luck of the draw I suppose.