Dinafem SteelWool's first grow - Dinafem Blue Cheese Auto

I would leave em be, they should be fine if they're bulging the soil, if you're really worried about it, try using a spray bottle to very gently wash the soil away just a bit. I've had seeds germinate fine from 2 inches down, just took a bit longer. If that is the stem I see though, it's almost up and should be all happy tomorrow! :)
I would leave em be, they should be fine if they're bulging the soil, if you're really worried about it, try using a spray bottle to very gently wash the soil away just a bit. I've had seeds germinate fine from 2 inches down, just took a bit longer. If that is the stem I see though, it's almost up and should be all happy tomorrow! :)
hi surfreak

thanks for the reply, so if ı dont touch it, the plant will sprout towards the light in any case?

if so I dont wnt to touch it, but, if it wont move vertically then i do want to move it

what do you say :worship:
Lol no worries, the little round leaves are called cotyledons and they have plenty of nutrients to keep it going healthily for a week or longer as long as there is water.
Hehehe thanx man your a life saviour. By the way,I also have covered my pot with a plastic wrap to keep the humidity in. Do you think i should remove it now? Or wait a little longer?
Leave it be, they want to get going more than you want them too lmao. Honestly, it will be fine.
Hi Dazed,

Thanks for the input, i wont touch it then, ill be waiting to see the result :) by the way, i put some clear plastic wrap on my pot in order to secure the humidity in, you think its time to remove it?
My Short Rider seeds took 4 days to come through the soil, I wouldn't sweat it you'll see them soon, if you do move some soil out of the way just be very careful, I have done this before I used a toothpick to brush away the soil one particle at a time.