State of AFN (2020)

will be blunt here- vendors are making big money from the members of this forum- they give away lights and other goods to promote there brand not the forum- maybe vendors need to supply lights to the AFN and let them raffle or run comps on the forum for the members not the vendor-the vendors don't promote the forum do they - they are only worried about the bottom line.... maybe every sale the vendors do via the forum( make a sale page for vendors only)and get a 10-25% fee- pretty sure vendors will agree to it or find a vendor that will ...
Just to be transparent I just paid for the new polling module, the site improvements still need to be paid from the GoFundMe campaign. So keep those donations coming!

Just keep it open. My donation is the first item on my yearly end of April shopping list. Just in front of another autocob and some autopots. I hate that every year I miss most of the 4/20 deals by a couple of weeks.
to *snip-snip* is fine, jus don't go crazy all at once, lol :rolleyes2: ppp

I was planning on purchasing a spider farmer led grow light for my 8×8 tent whats your thoughts?
I have some cheaper led and juat not 100% happy with them..

Thank you for you time and input
How about an AFN shwag shop?
Maybe an Amazon shop with AFN approved/recommended products?
As to donations? I'm sure once this virus thing clears up and people are able to get back to work, your goals will be met.

Corona will come and go and I'll still be the poster boy for how not to retire on a fixed income. :rofl:
I already made two donations and will do the third after the pay will land on the acc but AFN merch sounds the best in the long run. I want my AFN tshirt :-D and I need my AFN respirator :-P
I was planning on purchasing a spider farmer led grow light for my 8×8 tent whats your thoughts?
I have some cheaper led and juat not 100% happy with them..

Thank you for you time and input

mmm...well, me def no light guru, lol, but i tell ya what -> seein as how this particular thread izn't exactly geared toward specific grow ques'z, i'd suggest u fire up a thread with ur concernz over in new growerz q & a ;) lotza peepz scan that section on a daily basis & ur sure to get some worthy feedback there :thumbsup: ppp
AFN fanny packs for the hiking trip.
AFN speedos for the day at the beach.
AFN Rompers.... Because somebody must wear them.
AFN Aviator glasses for those bright sunny days.
AFN Satchel, because Indiana Jones carried a satchel.
AFN stickers. who doesn't love stickers/stencils
AFN Covid-19 vaccines.

AFN's own grow shop. We know what we need to grow, scoop up and try out some unbranded products. Do a grow journal with each product then slap an AFN sticker on it and sell it in your AFN store. As a new grower I was in all different directions trying to find stuff I needed for my first grow. I came here for most of the info. I bought things I didn't need. AFN can cash in on its knowledge. Or vendors can pay AFN a pecentage whenever an AFN coupon code is used on their site.