Sweet Seeds ss trainwreck

for comparison, here's mine at day 44:

Trainwreck -3-29-2016.jpg
Right but being in DWC need to remember that the cycle of growth is accelerated at least 30% my plant looked like that at day 20. I am just going by what I see with my eyes. My was off to the races and then when it hit pre flower it stalled like crazy in comparison between its vegetative growth.
Ok so at this point I put fresh water in with just 20ml of overdrive and 20ml of big bud. Super low N count. ppms in bucket is right around 500 us scale. So like .7 ec At this point I would rather see her cannibalize herself a little if it meant adding weight.
has anything changed? switched nutes? increased/decreased them? assuming all other parameters are where they should be it would seem like the issue is with your solution or just a genetic anomaly. Mine was grow in coco in an auto pot
I grew using Seagrow 16-16-16 start to finish. I never exceeded 650 ppms I kept it at 600ppm. High ppm in DWC is a waste of nutes. Go on youtube and look at HygroHybrid's grows. 1lb.+ plants every grow and he never exceed 600-700 ppms. In fact, he inspired me to do my first grow in DWC.
Nothing has changed. That dude on youtube has started charging for his videos so thats a no go. I grew a damn monster as well last time with the devil cream. Nothing changed between that grow and this one. I knew something was up with this one when it stalled after preflower. Here is the devil cream. Main cola was 1.5 oz itself. Harvested before I took this picture.

Well it seems to have started bud growth again. No idea how much this week long f up will set me back. Some how I double dosed nutes and it got way to hot. Luckily I changed buckets right away and also gave the roots a nice rinse. Still only days 46. Not holding out much hope for main cola but hopefully the other 20 pick up size. If not lesson learned. I always forget these Sweets do not need lots of nutes.