Hey guys and gals. Got a little going down on the Squid Farm. 4/5 new Duurty Dragons are sprouted above surface. So I'll call today day one, or yesterday. They are all coming along fine at varying speeds of course.
I say 4/5, because I had a really weird occurrence with the 5th one, at least I've never seen this happen before. They're in the 32 oz styros and I slip a fold top sammich bag over the top with a little hole for some ventilation and when they sprout I pull the bag off. Well that was the last one and I could see a bit of green through the bag on today's inspection so I pulled the bag off. What I found was a tiny little sprout about an inch long, first cotyledons partially open included, BUT it wasn't even rooted down into the cup, it was just laying sideways sorta. It almost looked as if it had jumped out or gotten pulled out, but I know nothing did that, nothing else is messed with, kinda weird. I just took the little root tip and poked it down into the mix. Hopefully it will root in a day or so, not sure. Anyone ever experienced this?
Other than that, the new start is off. :dance2:
The one DR that hadn't shown is now a confirmed female, very cool. Although growing slightly slow and enduring some previous problems from before, both DRs have managed to survive and are pushing forward.
Molly(the MI5 female) is doing fantastic. She actually looks like she wants more, so next feed I will give it to her by upping her dose of veg nutes. Pistils are huge and busting out quick like, I love it. It's only at 3.5 weeks, but it seems like she may be a shorty, and has alternating stems at the nodes from the start. I have heard that it usually doesn't start alternating until later, not sure what that means with mine. I gave her a little silica blast on that last feed and I swear there is a noticeable difference in main stalk and other stem thickness and overall strength and appearance.
All the males are fine. The two MI5 are leaning over at the tops from the weight of male flowers, haha. They'll be paying rent soon. DR male is several days behind but growing fine.
The DD male seems to be progressing slowly but surely. Question: If I use pollen from a weak stunted plant, will that pass on in the genetics?
I will have some pics up of everything on Wednesday. Thanks for stopping by.