New Grower Squid Farms 2013-Back on the Scene

Well, I stand corrected.. I've never seen spider mites that don't migrate and get the other plants quickly.. yeah, the little yellow spots are where they feed.

Good eye gentleman! :eye:

Bad eye goodie. :o

I'd isolate her and spray your crops that aren't flowering with a pyrethin based incesticide per directions, then rinse in 7-10 days. :thumbs:

Interesting on the stone pollen. :thumbs: ;)
I think on some of the other plants in a few pic you can see some spotting on the leafs but faintly couldn't tell for sure but definitely now that I know there was a carrier. If your growing indoors I wouldn't advise you to bring plants in and out of your growing space IMO. for the one in Bud your just going to have to live with it, it's almost done. maybe a light water spray outside your area and then shake it around a bit to get the water off of it. I'll see if I can find a recipe I was working on.

1/4 cup baking soda
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
1 tbls lemon juice
2 drops dish soap I was using an organic one
1/4 teaspoon Epsom salts
Optional never tried it 1tsp hot chili juice (its supposed to make the fizz and pop)
I had a battle with them and lost just as I was week 5 into 12/12 I had to kill everything and do a complete clean in my room multiple times just to make sure I got all the buggers. So far so good no sign of them in my space.
Thanks Stone! I will be keeping all.of their pollen for future use. Cool that you can just look and tell.

And is spider mites...weird though. I noticed them weeks ago and cleared all the little webs out and just left it. It hasn't gotten.amy worse at all but I can clearly see them plain as day...but it hasn't spread and isn't causing damage.
I searched on here and read about how unstoppable and terrible they are...then one day I had all the plants out for feeds and I just.swept the tent out. Couple days later I saw no webs or mites..weird eh? Then they came back a few days later but not on every plant. Basically everything touches in the tent as you can see.

Is that what has caused all the speckles on the Onyx? She doesnt have much longer left so I dunno what to do really. Weirdest case of SM I have seen. They are there, but they are just like..hanging out. I dunno. :lol:

Definitely need to get that sorted out, right? All of the Photos are about to go outside next weekend. Then I down to the one CC which gives me a good chance to handle this I am thinking, and before I start more plants...

I'm all ears guys and gals. I need to do?

even if theyre not too destructive you will be smoking their corpses and feces if theres any still in there. weird it hasnt spread yeh i didnt see the update before this one so didnt notice.

looks like theres some damage on that first male but yeh might be from before if they somehow got clean. stuff like this is why its a good idea to keep indoor plants indoors just less problems to worry about bringing back in with them. its always tempting on a nice day though.

neem and seven dust are things that ive heard being used (vague memory though never had it myself.) you should rotate whatever you use to kill them so they dont get resistant to one type.
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Thanks guys. And just to clarify, those males stay outside. The only reason they all had a couple hours outdoors is because I had a power outage for a while last week so.everything went outdoors for a bit.and came back in. But the mites were there long before that and everything started and stayed indoors. Little fuckers made it through anyway.

Guess I'll let the Onyx finish up outside. And get something to spray on the others. I'm so broke, but gotta figure something out.
Hey Squid, delicious grow you have going!

Those Kushage leaves are gorgeous, btw, and they all look so happy! :dance2:Just wanted to mention I've heard of people using plain old soapy water sprayed on the underside of leaves to get rid of spider mites. Seems like there are several "natural" remedies I've heard of in the past, so you might check into that. Home remedies are always more affordable!

~ Sapphire
Lookin good squid! I have also read about using diluted dish soap for mites. Best of luck man, subbed up!
Hey guys. I just wanted to update a little because I have been gone all weekend until yesterday. I had the wife checking in on the tent, her idea actually, she said she wanted to start learning more to help me take care of it all. :dance2: Hope that continues...So yesterday I realized she should probably check and see if anything had grown into the light over the 3 days, since I had given them a pretty heavy feed right before I left on Friday. Sure enough, the TH Kushage got singed a bit and guess what other one, which this surprised the hell out of me, since this one is now officially the tallest damn plant in the tent now! The Cream Caramel! :lol: It's in a 5L Airpot so that's a little more height than the bottles, but still...She got burned up a bit too, I removed those leaves so now the top fans are missing a few leaves, but it wasn't too too bad and neither that or the photo Kushage seemed to have minded too much. That Tek lamp gets hot though, luckily not super hot though. :thumbs:
The CC is just blowing up! wg if you see this....Yesssiiirrrrr! :D:D:D

Everything needed to be fed again, they are drinking every 2 days or so now, I bet I could have fed them Sunday if I were here, but they seemed fine in the dry Promix, I think all the nutes in there are keeping my Ph in line now. My water's ppm starts out around 30 and I fed the heaviest I have last night, around 1400 ppm. What's considered on the bottle as a heavy feeding, 4tsp per gallon of Bio Grow, starting to back off on the Bio Root now, I work it up for the first month then back off, partly to not use so much. I am actually starting to run low on all my nutes almost. :cuss: :D Also been using the Bio Weed and Diamond Black(humics). I use 1-2 dops of Superthrive Every feed and I feed every time. No alternating waterings, I find that screws with the Ph of Promix somehow IME.

Also after week two or maybe right before I start using the Silica Blast by Botanicare...And let me tell you guys...I really think this stuff works wonders..I get bigger stems and branching, and never seem to get any stress from temp swings(that happens sometimes) or mid 80s temps a lot of the time. It really hardens Canna plants up and makes them stronger and able to withstand more. I really think that. :D

Also the past two feeds I have added a tsp/gallon of epsom salts even though I haven't seen any signs or needing it, or deficiencies of ANY sort on this grow...There is molasses in almost all of the GO nutes so I haven't been using it at all. I find that these GO nutes are very well rounded, but it may have something to do with my added Superthrive, silica blast and oh...sea salt, just a pinch. :thumbs:
Oh well though, because The Squid is going TLO soon. :dance2:

What else what else..Oh the 3 male stone dragons outside had to be moved because those dudes are too big, haha. I relocated them on the other side of the yard behind some bushes and what not and camoflaged the donald duck cartons with some ferns. :thumbs: Not as good light over there, but they don't have long. I swear them and that CC in the tent grew 5-6 inches in 3 days. Also, that tallest SD, I think the one Stone pointed out to be the F2 black selection is soooo stinky...I have grown a pretty fair amount of males and have NEVER had one this smelly. He smells like straight skunky ass buds! It's nuts. I am going to smoke test those soon. :D

Oh right. Duh Squid...the Spider Mite Issue:

So I get home expecting it to be at least somewhat rampant in there with the BORG but uh....I don't see any...I saw a small portion of webbing under some budding on that Onyx and I blew that out by mouth and didn't actually see any mites as I clearly saw before. :shrug: So I pulled everything out and into the bathroom tub for easy feeding/drain, let them chill for like 10 minutes before throwing back in, and before putting them back in I did a thorough inspection on every single plant and didn't see a damned thing guys...Like nothing at all. :shrug: ALL of the plants touch in the tent since there are several in such close quarters. :shrug:

So the only thing I can think is this: You guys need to get one of these Spider Mite Tent Charms that my wife makes. :crying: :crying: :roflcry: :roflcry:
Update Day 35

Heyyyyyy folkssssss! Update time! Day 35 for everything except Onyx...Seriously I think she is pushing 80 days...I could be way off and I don't care to go look and see, but she is close, chopping this weekend. Super dense and stanky stanky. Looks like about 3-4 grams. :lol:

The 7 bag seed photos I had multi-potted up are all gone...and I am glad. Frees up a lot of space and once I transplant my 3 Photos outside tomorrow most likely, then I will be down to the one Cream Caramel and the Onyx and she's done this weekend so time to start more! :D

We'll never see those bag seeds again, not even me. They got traded for some work we had done on the house, sorta long story but fine with me! They were bag seeds and I learned a lot growing them and they weren't bought or high quality genetics so good riddance. I as interested in seeing/smoking them but whatever.

I've gotta nail down what I want to start in my limited space. I have a project going with a new member here that I am friends with and have been for years. I got him to join last week, don't think he has posted yet though. So that makes two folks I know in person that I have had join lately. Cool! I told him I would at start him at least 2-3 plants to put outside since he doesn't have a way to properly start them indoors first. I also really need to have at least one more Auto for personal supply...That CC is a beast as you can see down there, but one branch will be pollenated so that will decrease the overall potency so I have heard...Which is ok with me because this cross is part of a project too. As it's going now it looks like I will be getting a nice yield off the CC. Oz+ I am thinking, vertical growth hasn't stopped yet either.

I will be getting in on the 32 oz competition too so saving room for that. Gonna do my best to squeeze in several more Photos to start and one more Auto in a 5L Airpot and then the 32 oz plant, doing a fem there no doubt, haven't decided on strain...or have I? :D

Sorry if some of the pics aren't great...Have been having a hard time lately...nothing you guys wanna hear about, just been slacking due to issues at hand and I apologize for that. :D

Alright here we go, first up is the Reserva Privada Sour Kush making her come back...crazy looking 3 leaf nodes with huge leaves. :lol:

Here is the TH Seeds Kushage-about 12 inches tall

Big Bud#2 nearly 16 inches tall or right at

My baby! Cream Caramel Auto...Beast! Also about 16 inches tall and so bushy!

And finally of course, the Onyx. Tiny and straight plump with bud.

Thanks for stopping by guys and gals! Until next time....:smokebuds:


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