Indoor SPZ's Ultimate vs. Gorilla Showdown

Day 104

Well the trich's don't look like they are going to turn amber any time soon but the girl has started eating herself so I think it is getting to be time. I've got her on a flush now. Here are a few pics

Taking up the whole tent like the oinky pig she is. You can see she has started sucking the life right out of the fan leaves

Here's a close up of the buds so you can see what we're dealing with here.

I'm starting to think that the cool air temperature with warm roots might be good for vegging but not so good for ripening the fruit. Oh well I'm sure she's gonna have some great smoke no matter what :smoking:
I'll be starting a new thread soon, but here's a little teaser of the next batch....

Until I get my new grow room set up I'm improvising an area to germ them in. Here they are in their germ box with the heater underneath and one cob over them. That's what I love most about the cobs is the flexibility! I was able to just pull one out of the tent and throw it in this new space, took all of two minutes to hang it and plug it in.

I stored my bag of root riots in the basement and they grew some sort of powdery mildew. Bought a whole bag, used four of them and now I don't want to use the rest cause of the mold. I'm trying rock wool now which is stored dry so it is less likely to harbor mold and pests.

The new girls are all Sour Livers, its the strain that got away, hopefully it works out better this time!!!!
FUL TENT. That is so good to see. IF you have time give her another 10 days

Day 104

Well the trich's don't look like they are going to turn amber any time soon but the girl has started eating herself so I think it is getting to be time. I've got her on a flush now. Here are a few pics

Taking up the whole tent like the oinky pig she is. You can see she has started sucking the life right out of the fan leaves
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Here's a close up of the buds so you can see what we're dealing with here.
View attachment 880075

I'm starting to think that the cool air temperature with warm roots might be good for vegging but not so good for ripening the fruit. Oh well I'm sure she's gonna have some great smoke no matter what :smoking:
What What do the trics look like? Oh and colder temps aren't horrid. It usually means that you'll have smaller tighter buds with a lot of crystal versus loose buds with more hair from a lot of heat. It will be good smoke. Most the time I pretty much just monitor the temperature at the roots. But I do use much hotter lamps than you.

That That ultimate is getting cured. hella good smoke.

Also Also that's what you want to see, the yellowing. that's a very, very good thing. One of my friend's favorite sayings is sugar and butter. Lots of crystal and lots of yellow leaves. It means that the flush is going well. You want it to be sucking the life out of leaves, that means of using every last little bit of nutrient in its system. A lot of our nutrients are salt based, flushing will make it taste better. A truly thorough flush is highly recommended. No till organic is a different story i hear.
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I have not flushed in my first two grows. I have not tasted any residual "salts/metal tinged". There is a heck of a lot of opinions on that topic/myth from what I have read here. As one member here says, " only flush a toilet".

This is what always reminds me that there are a lot of ways to grow. Go with your gut and find your warm valley of comfort. Weed is a wonderful plant to grow.
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Yeah there is so much controversy about the flush I'm not touching that topic until I learn more about plant and soil science. I've been compromising by just doing my last reservoir fill with plain water and I figure I will save some nutes and use up any residual stuff in the media, and if there is a benefit to the taste/smoke then I will get that, too.

Jorge Cervantes in his book Marijuana Horticulture recommends allowing plant to dry a bit in the end, by just skipping or going easy on the last waterings. This gets you a head start on the dry/cure. From my own experience I think that the smoke on the plants that dried out a bit was harsher than the ones that were well watered right up the end, so I won't be doing that anymore if I can avoid it. I think that is what happened to NCH2, my best girl who put out 8oz dried but the smoke was sub-par.

I will probably take down the Gorilla girl this weekend, so she has another 4-5 days. I have to get her hung and reset the tent so I can get the next girls in!!!!
For all intents For all intensive purposes that the flush that we're talking about. Flushing for emergency purposes like nutrient lock is different than the final flush and we were just talking about this on another forum and I think the term we came up with more appropriately is reducing nutrient content. That's all I mean by flush. with chemicals it's 2 weeks of just water for the end with organics it's one week of water just for the end it's your in organic soil that's a whole nother story like the no till stuff. I do a mostly organic nutrient based system in dirt, a hand poured type stuff, I would refer to it is hydro non recovery. I flush a little bit. if I feed a plant 1 to 1 and a 1/2 gallons food when I normally feed it I will give it probably 3 gallons of water the 1st time I'm supposed to feed it in the final stage and then just normal water from there on out
For the For the man bear alien pig I'm doing RDWC so I've got a drip a sprayer and the deep water. The deep water will be the final stage. I am not going organic with my nutrients I just wanna get the growing down right and then I'll start mess with my recipe like I did the 1st time around.