Live Stoner Chat Southern Mj laws??

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WIth me being from the south ive noticed that we're the only region in the states that havent let up on mj laws,mmj etc.. I was wondering what everyones thoughts are on this im thinking its political cuz its alot of bigots down here that wont change their ways even though they've been proven wrong time and time again. i hate to see all other states makeing progress and we're still in the dark sneaking around doing things. i just wish the south can make progress Welll really Texas by it being so big im pretty sure if it does a turn around on their mj laws it would help the rest of us out down here... please share your thoughts because i know people have their own opinions...
I'm from/in the deep n dirty south as well, and I cant offer ANY insight into this one. We have alot of smokers down here, and its almost socially accepted, yet the laws in no way reflect this. Honestly, I believe it has something to do with racism still.
yes, its very accepted. and as you mentioned it probally does has alot to do with rascism.. its funny cuz weed and rascim rarly ever co-exist it brings people from all walks and colors together.. it breaks barriers and our polictians dont even see it. im in my early 20's and i cant wait for my generation to get into the political scene.. thats when i feel there's going to be a change in how people look at things..(hopefully)
TBM- A lot of the county's are dry because of the low income, Even though its wrong most counties are dry because of the % of minorities...
How horrible it is to live in a Religious area, I'm a few 100 miles from the bible belt but you wouldn't know it if you just stopped by here on your way south... I think the average in my area is 3 churches for every 8-10 miles! My hollow is just 2.5 miles long and it has a church at each end...
I'm not knocking religion buy fanaticism is a sickness plaguing my part of the world...
I'm from/in the deep n dirty south as well, and I cant offer ANY insight into this one. We have alot of smokers down here, and its almost socially accepted, yet the laws in no way reflect this. Honestly, I believe it has something to do with racism still.

Didn't even see this post but Its sad because this is true...
Even the Judges around my parts are Hopped up on cocaine and come down with
But when they see a minority in front of them for the same deal its down with Mr. Different!
Another question - why are there so many dry counties in the South? Don't understand that one either!

it goes back to the old 'blue laws' and laws enacted to curtail vice and promote religion.... no such thing as a 'dry county' here, well, we dont even have 'counties' here ;) , but in my parish, it's against the law to sell hard liquor or wine on sundays.... beer is okay with God though I suppose.
My county is dry but surrounding counties are Wet counties, This county is very Old hard-nosed"bible thumpin" Republican...
The two parties have traded places in terms of rhetoric multiple times throughout history. Now the republican party is the "great white hope" party. Taylor made for the white gun loving Christians of the south.
Its easy to give up on the politicos and just do it the outlaw way.. just like dry counties cant stop alcholism prohibition will never stop marijuana consumption.. i wish the south had a bigger voice for this typ of thing.. but ive been making plans to move to the closest mmj state which is colorado.. i hear its lineant up in the mountains
One of the many reasons I moved from NJ to TN in 2002 was to get away from the liberal North East and from a state that the democrats had bankrupted and run into the ground. While I knew I was moving into the bible belt, I didn't fully understand the significance of that. Around here you can't swing a dead cat by the tail without hitting a church. Most are either Baptist or Church of Christ, some are Pentacostal, but the majority are Baptist and Baptists don't drink alcohol. Personally I don't have a problem with that as I don't drink either. But these people hold tremendous sway and influence and are the reason that we still have dry counties and are behind in attitudes toward MMJ. That was highlighted a few years ago when a proposal was made for a state lottery. It was heavily opposed by religious groups and only passed after tight restrictions were placed on how the proceeds could be used. These attitudes are changing but slower than in other places. I find that in my area people are generally accepting of mj use. It's been going on for so long now that everyone knows someone who smokes and they have seen that it isn't the problem they have been lead to believe. Even the police, if they are open and honest, will tell you that they would rather deal with the pot smokers than the juicers or the crack/meth heads. The south will eventually get there, but most likely later rather than sooner.