Mephisto Genetics Sour Stomper-Skyler White-Sour Crack

Sour Stomper. Plain water for this girl. She has struggled toward the end, dropping leaves. I'm got some black pearl my mrs is picking up for me, some mycorrhizal fungi from BAC, and a little dolomite lime, this will be added to next grows, see if any difference occurs.
Day 66. Sour Doubly Stomper. She's down today, gotta get a roast dinner out of the way first. She smell's sweet, and deep, but there's something else there, it's earthy, like OG, but its not, I can't quite put my finger on it. She's well over 10 percent amber, some buds are nearer 20 percent. But if I was going by pistils, id leave her another few days, so not quite corresponding signals there. Anyhow, she's gonna be a naughty smoke.
What day did u switch from veg to bloom on your led. And how big is your grow room for 1 P300?
Your Skylar pics have me salivating for what's to come with the four I have going! Looks and sounds like a real treat :d5:

I have one Skylar about 10 days ahead of the others in the tent, flowering now at day 30. Yes those smells you describe are starting to permeate the room more and more each day. You think I am going to have to hook the filter up soon? LOL
What day did u switch from veg to bloom on your led. And how big is your grow room for 1 P300?

I switched around day 20, in the middle of the stretch period. I've played with times of the switch, and mid stretch seems to work best. My room is 60cmx60cmx150cm. A P300 is overkill for this size room, but I had it from previous grows in a bigger room, i'm too tight to buy a new one :cheers:

Your Skylar pics have me salivating for what's to come with the four I have going! Looks and sounds like a real treat :d5:

I have one Skylar about 10 days ahead of the others in the tent, flowering now at day 30. Yes those smells you describe are starting to permeate the room more and more each day. You think I am going to have to hook the filter up soon? LOL

With 4, its gonna STINK! :pass: