Live Stoners Sour Crack c Walter White Auto


Cultivators Club
Jan 6, 2013
Reaction score
Hello All-

Anyone ever hear about this strain from Mephisto?

Trying to research it and found nothing.

Have you checked the mephisto threads here?
It's a Mephisto F1 x Hybrid if I'm not mistaken.

It could do anything.... It could go all (insert girly voice) 'I'm gonna be a Walter Dominant Cross' << large plant and leather boots - or equally could go (Insert small but substantial Mississippi Bluesman baritone MC) all 'Sour and down to the ground' << a small compact dense plant - or a bit (Wozup who's the bro) a frosty Crack or.. ANY combination of their parents.

This is the fun of limited releases from breeders like Mephisto - we get to grow out some of the same stuff they are - and it's a huge genetic pick n mix - but from the best of parents. It takes a good breeder several years to back cross and stabilise (or at least nail it down to a couple of phenos) that can be released to the public

I just grew out a Sour Crack* and it was a very small but nicely structured plant. It had a bit of torture temp wise in the first couple of weeks but still yielded 44g (dry cure weight) at 13" high in a 10L pot at day 55. (Small cabinet grow).

* Interestingly Sour Crack and Sour Hound F2 (Mitch's Choice) both from the Illuminautos release this year are the only Automatics I've ever seen roll over into significant and visable ambers - yer there will be lots of you out there that have seen this but that was a first for me harvesting based on trich colour rather than eeking out the last from a dying/yellowing plant or (usually outdoors) the dreaded budrot dictating harvest.