Weekly update

So I will start with what I called a surprise, not sure if I should be happy about it!
I decided to try the Euforia for a quick spin! I first tried in a Gpen Pro and then yesterday I needed a little kick of Sativa motivation.. No surprise with the amazing smell, or the bud it self it's not cured yet! But when I rolled a zoot yesterday I broke a small bud and...



So there it is ! Obviously these were not expected nor wanted, I checked most of the nugs and it seems there are a few more in there but not all buds are seeded..
I ve had a quick read about what happened there!
- Its stress related (could be)
- It was harvested too late and the girl grew some balls.. (probably)
- Genetics (doubt it)

So so far I got 7 100% female auto beans from one small nug which is great what wouldnt be so great is if any of the other girls got pollinated too, or if I got to find way more than now..
I guess I will find out in about a month!

That for the story.

Now for the I hope virgin ladies!

UK Cheese Auto Day67



Sour Hound Day49 and BabyBoom Day43



Babyboom this girl is slowly greening up, I want to see some buds!




Frosting up on the SH. :)

looking great sourb bro, your photography skills keep getting better too! I had that happen with my first candy kush grow a4 told me its not uncommon for a few male parts to grow inside the bud and seed itself, I still have 3 seeds in a bag, might drop them in somebodys hanging baskets next summer for a laugh
Thanks bro, yeah hopefully you are right and the pollen was only inside the buds and not airborne! Did you grow any of these?
no mate, still have them would maybe drop them outdoors but I read that seeds made this way have a higher chance of going hermie too
I would of thought that they would be 100% female, as it's the same process as when you use the colloidale silver technique to reverse a part of the plant to get some pollen from the same individual you are pollinating keeping the lineage completely female! Interesting might be worth starting a thread to see what everyone think! @sanguine
yea dude would make a for a good read, I know next to nothing about breeding so would love to hear what the experts have to say on it!
I would of thought that they would be 100% female, as it's the same process as when you use the colloidale silver technique to reverse a part of the plant to get some pollen from the same individual you are pollinating keeping the lineage completely female! Interesting might be worth starting a thread to see what everyone think! @sanguine
More likely to be Hermie because the pollinating plant has turned hermie and pollinated itself ,its not a pure Male / female conception if that makes sense ? Great growing ,that cheese is BOM worthy bro . keep on keeping on.
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I would of thought that they would be 100% female, as it's the same process as when you use the colloidale silver technique to reverse a part of the plant to get some pollen from the same individual you are pollinating keeping the lineage completely female! Interesting might be worth starting a thread to see what everyone think! @sanguine
I think @GoAuto6 started a thread some where for this purpose. I got a few seeds on my Auto Assassin seed run that I didn't get any males. but just the one.