SOH you are going to produce alot of weight with that monster led you will be blown away HPS and MH are so out of date IMO I will never use a ballast again enjoy your grow bro
I'm excited bro! Very pumped to get it going!
I've had to make a small repair/change to the support for the light; the supplied chain and clips were slightly defective (one of the clips is bowing outward, I'll take pictures of it later.) Went to the hardware store and picked up four carabiners to use in place of them, should be a lot stronger (and easy to quick disconnect if need be.) I know some guys use the rope ratchets but I honestly can't see using them with this light.
My carbon scrubbers are pretty much shot; so getting a new one will be on the top of the list.
Just picked up 5 bags of Pro Mix Ultimate Organic mix (can't find Pro Mix BX or HP around here to save my life; used to order Online but shipping on a bale is stupid expensive.) I'm taking DubV's advice on switching out perlite on this grow with rice hulls. Apparently the rice hulls are better for aerating, naturally decompose into the soil (providing sustenance,) and are less caustic than the perlite dust. So about 30% of the soil mix will be rice hulls, give or take.
Found rice hulls at the local brewing supply store for $2.50 per pound (no tax.)
Hoping to get another good picture update here in the next day or two; have more shots of the tent (some of the smaller details) and will take pictures of the beans as I get them germing (that's right, slow out the gate lol...)
I think I found a good bead on some fabric pots (ten 3 gallon bags for $22 on the bay,) so we should hopefully be in dirt by the end of next week!
And then we're off! Like my date's prom dress on prom night! Haha I'm just kidding. She was hideous and I was awkward!